Saturday, January 21, 2012

Miscellaneous 109

1) Boy, does that Newt Gingrich ever have chutzpah. The dude's lost two consecutive contests to Rick Santorum (finishing behind him in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary) and he's saying that SANTORUM should get out of the race. Talk about some ballsiness, huh?............2) Conventional wisdom is that 1930s screen goddesses, Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich, a) didn't know each other and b) never even met. It isn't the sole/unanimous opinion, however. This, in that tabloid journalist and reporter, Diana McLellan, alleges that not only did they know each other they actually had a love affair back in 1925. According to McLellan (this, from her 2000 book, "The Girls: Sappho Goes to Hollywood"), the two women (Garbo was 19 at the time, Dietrich 23) met on the set of the movie, "The Joyless Street", and proceeded to have a torrid six week love affair. McLellan also goes on to say that the relationship ended quite acrimoniously (Dietrich was allegedly jealous of Garbo's meteroric success) and that the two basically lied for 60 years that they had never even met each other. Youza, huh? Now, is it true? I'd certainly like to think so, no?............3) You'd think that it would be hard to steal any movie in which your costars were Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston, Jean Simmons, and Carroll Baker. But that's exactly what Burl Ives did in the 1958 epic western, "The Big Country" (directed by the great William Wyler). Ives's turn as the uncouth, quasi moral rancher, Rufus Hannassey, is such a scene stealer that you almost forget about the star power in the film. And apparently his Hollywood peers agreed with this by awarding him an Academy Award that year. Pretty decent, huh? I guess that hard work, excellence, and determination can pay off after all.


  1. Will, Gingrich is making a very good point suggesting Santorum should get out of the race. A few data points for you:

    1) In three contests, Santorum has won 154k votes and Gingrich has won 280k. Even Ron Paul has won more votes than Santorum.

    2) After tonight, Gingrich has 19 delegates and Santorum has 8 delegates. Once again, Ron Paul has more delegates than Santorum.

    3) Santorum is polling at 15% in Florida. My prediction: Santorum withdraws after Florida.

  2. I probably came out with this post a day too late, huh? Yeah, you're probably right, HR.

  3. And after Santorum Gingrich will hopefully be next.

  4. A Paul-Romney final 2 would certainly be compelling, Les, that's for sure.

  5. What's up with Newt becoming the darling of the evangelical block?

  6. What's up with Gingrich still being politically alive at all?

  7. Hey,you have to admitt that was a great ass kicking the Newtster put on that guy from CNN the other night.That guy look like a kid standing in front of the school principal.

  8. I consider John King a first rate journalist, Russ. But, yeah, you're definitely right on this one. It was a totally inappropriate question to start a Presidential debate with.......NOW, did Mr. Gingrich play it up and demagogue it a little himself? I think that that's probably true, too.

  9. Will,get used to what Newt did to John King.That going to be either number 3 or 4 in the Republican play book this year.

    They learned a hell of a lesson in 2008 when the MSM fawned over Obama never even vetting him.

    I dont think the media will be as pro Obama as it was,close maybe.So the right will hammer then every chance they get.

  10. The thing about Newt, though, Russ, is that on the one hand he hammers the media, and on the other he uses it (he went on several shows earlier that day and answered the question absent the vitriol). The guy is exceedingly crafty, I'm thinking.


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