Saturday, January 21, 2012

The big Decision

So, who am I going to watch for election coverage tonight; CNN with Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, David Gergen, Gloria Borger, Candy Crowley, Jessica Yellin, and John King, or MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, the Reverend Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, David Corn, and Eugene Robinson? Gee, I don't know, that's a real tough one.......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


  1. I watched a bit of MSNBC

    Rachel Maddow did her screeching

    Ed Schultz wanted to know who took the last doughnut

    Chris Matthews "accidentally" spit on Laurence O'Donnell.

    David Korn asked why everyone else had an upper lip but him.

    Eugene Robinson wanted to know why his cousin Smokey would'nt let him sing bass with the miracles.

    Other then that it was pretty much bash any Republican who ever walked the earth.

  2. I kinda figured. Thanks for the update, though.

  3. I watched all the MSNBC coverage, and none of what Rusty describes happened. And David Corn wasn't there.

  4. Eugene Robinson is one of those who carelessly labels views outside of his own narrow opinion-field as "extreme".

    He has a "Crossfire"-like simplistic and unreal view of things.

    But I don't think Robinson deserves the "because he is black and has the last name Robinson, he must be Motown" smear.

  5. Will: He lost his lower lip?

    I never even noticed that he has lips that are quite thin until Rusty mentioned it. What an assine
    "joke", IMO.

    dmarks: Eugene Robinson is one of those who carelessly labels views outside of his own narrow opinion-field as "extreme".

    I never noticed that. What are you referring to? My guess would be your own bias.

  6. Hey dmarks....why dont you stick your idiotic racist accusations up your ass,you stupid bastard.No one actually gives a flying f^#k what you view as a "smear."

  7. WD,I stopped at a 7-11 last week and on the counter was a large glass jar with Daved Korns picture askng for contributions towards getting him either a lip transplant or at the very least collagen injections.

  8. I find Robinson fairly tolerable. He's certainly a lot less obnoxious than some of the others over there (Schultz, for instance).

  9. WD said: "I never noticed that. What are you referring to? My guess would be your own bias."

    No, I am referring to Robinson's labelling of mainstream views as "extreme". He uses the word without regard to meaning or context, and after reading even one of his columns one easily realizes that he used the word out of his own outrage rather than any consideration of if anything is 'extreme' or not.

  10. Rusty ranted: "No one actually gives a flying f^#k what you view as a "smear."

    It's not what I think, it's what it is. You made a racist "joke" about Robinson. That's a fact whether or not I point it out. So take off the white bedsheet and calm down.

  11. Your running out of race cards dmarks....that ploy is getting,sorry has gotten old and worn out.

    Take it to someone who actually cares about that worn act.

  12. Rusty said: "Your running out of race cards dmarks....that ploy is getting,sorry has gotten old and worn out."

    You were the one who played the race card, in your first comment. Can't blame me for noticing that you had set it on the table.

    For someone who doesn't care, you sure are very defensive about your racist comment.

  13. dmarks,wont you feel dumb when you learn Eugene is a second cousin to Smokey.

  14. And,I gather what I said is racist because dmarks proclaims it racist?

    dmarks,have you crowned yourself purveyor of all things racial?

    If you have, what would your title be?

    Are you the official "pointer outer?"

    Do you do this pointing out on a professional basis or do you feel its your civic duty?

    Do you just point out racial comments against blacks or do you also include Latinos,Asians and Native Americans.Or is that a different division.

    How did you become qualified to be an official "pointer outer?"

  15. You made the racist statement whether or not I pointed it out. But it was pretty mild. Especially compared to the hardline racism that comes from WD from time to time.

  16. I've known you for a while, Russ. I don't think that you're a racist. You are, however, a provocateur (as am I) who enjoys pushing the envelope. And it's that that sometimes gets you (and me) in trouble, I'm thinking.


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