Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lost Comments

I had 10 comments that I thought I published. They disappeared. I may have hit delete instead of publish and, if so, I apologize.


  1. I cannot tell a lie, all ten were mine!

  2. Comments he disagreed with, no doubt. Get rid of moderation and that will fix the problem.

  3. That's a fucking lie, jerk. A couple of them were yours but others were from Truth, Chakam, and dmarks. And why don't you tell Sue to get rid of her moderation, while you're at it?

  4. I was not lying, I was kidding jerk. Also, I did inform Sue that I don't like comment moderation when she started using it... so you implying that I wouldn't/haven't is a lie.

  5. No, it's not a lie. A lie is saying something that you know to be untrue. Being that I'm not exactly privy to your personal conversations, your characterizations are simply more misinformation.


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