Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Donna Reed Circa 1953

The most underrated sex-symbol ever, IMHO.


  1. If she and I were on an island with no hope of rescue, I would still turn her down.

  2. BOOOOOOOO!!!! You're just mad because I don't like Angelina Jolie.

  3. John Myste: If she and I were on an island with no hope of rescue, I would still turn her down.

    Is this what qualifies as an intelligent and/or constructive comment? I don't mean any insult to John Myste, but Will recently criticized a comment I made because it was (according to him) neither "constructive" nor "intelligent"... John Myste's comment appears to be neither, but Will doesn't make the same criticism.

    I think he just didn't like my opinion (regarding his sports-themed post). The not "intelligent" or "constructive" objection was BS.

    In any case, if Donna Reed and I were on a desert island with no hope of rescue... I doubt we'd get together either. I was -13 in 1953 and only 15 when she died in 1986 at age 64.

  4. What's to like about Angelina Jolie?

    She has shown the goods time and again and leaves nothing to her shredded dignity but a line of teen boys masturbating to her imagery.

    No one has ever seen a Google Image of Donna Reed's breasts, now have they?

  5. It's simple, wd. John Myste doesn't have a track record of being an impudent jerk.............Yes, Chakam, there is definitely something to be said for subtlety (not to mention that her performance in "From Here to Eternity" was pretty close to purrrrfect).

  6. I see. It's Will's blog, so he's the only one allowed to be an impudent jerk.

  7. You make asshole comments on noncontroversial posts just to draw attention to yourself. It's pathetic.


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