Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Retort to My Colleague,The Venerable Truthster

If liking tiny-titted chickas like Martina McBride and Naomi Watts makes me a "moderate extremist", then, yes, I wear that handle, and I wear it proudly!


  1. Yes, I like Naomi Watts. I especially like her portrayal of Valerie Plame in the factually accurate 2010 film "Fair Game". In the movie she stars as the covert CIA agent who was outed by Karl Rove.

    I highly recommend it for anyone interested in the truth regarding Dick Cheney's and Karl Rove's treason.

  2. Per usual, you have less than zero ammunition. It was Richard Armitage who first used the name, Valerie (as in, "his wife, Valerie, sent him"). Mr. Armitage viscerally hates Cheney (sees him as a chicken-hawk, apparently). And it was David Corn who first used the name, Valerie Plame (HIS source probably being Joe Wilson himself!!). He, too, hates frigging Cheney. In terms of conspiracy theories, this one rates about a 2, wd. Sorry.

  3. Actually Will, it is you who has less than zero ammunition. According to the Wikipedia page, "In a November 2010 Washington Post column about the film, Walter Pincus and Richard Leiby, two reporters who had covered the Plame affair, wrote that [the facts as presented in the film are largely] accurate".

    Additionally, "Pincus and Leiby praised the film for getting it right on several other points, including indicating that Plame had been a covert operative at the time of her outing... and that, contrary to the original Novak column, Wilson had not been chosen to go on the Niger fact-finding trip due to a recommendation from his wife".

    Also according to Wikipedia, "the critical consensus is: It struggles with the balance between FACT-BASED biopic and taut political thriller". In other words, the filmmakers took very little cinematic license.

  4. Congrats WD,you're one of the 65 people that saw the film.At least you did'nt have to stand in line for a ticket.

  5. Will; Never mind him dragging Rove into this. This is pretty crazy, like the claim that it was Rove who forced Dan Rather to air a fake claim that Bush went AWOL.

  6. What's pretty crazy is dmarks' suggestion that I said Rove forced Dan Rather to air a fake bush AWOL story. I never said anything even remotely similar to this.

    bush was AWOL, the story wasn't fake. The documents were, but the story was accurate. Rove faked the documents and got a useful idiot to pass them on to CBS news. Then the bush White House confirmed that the documents were genuine when CBS news called them.

    The reason for the subterfuge was so the AWOL story could be "debunked" when the documents were revealed to be fakes. There was no "forcing", just lies from the bush WH about the documents being genuine.

    As for Rove's involvement in the Plame affair... he's the one who said "Wilson's wife" was "Fair Game" (hence the title of the film). He said it to Chris Matthews.

    I know Will thinks Chris Matthews is an idiot for blaming Hoover for the bad economy... but does he think he is a liar as well? I'll guess yes, since he also thinks Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson are liars.

  7. Robert Novak covered the Plame story more than anyone (and in fact was a major part of it). And, according to his findings, this Plame chick drove to work every day in plain view and had worked quite openly for the Gore 2008 Presidential campaign. He also said that his interaction with Mr. Rove consisted simply of a one sentence confirmation. Novak said that that that one sentence was, "You know that, too?" Rove said that it was, "You heard that, too?" So, yes, there is a discrepancy but a federal case worth of discrepancy? I don't think so.

  8. dmarks, I'll be honest, I'm not a humongous fan of President Bush 2 (his father I think was a far more impressive individual). I voted for Nader basically as a protest vote. But, yeah, I agree with you, some of this stuff is just flat-out gratuitous.

  9. Not a humongous fan of President bush junior? Just a minor fan, huh? He did give you that war with Afghanistan you desired so strongly.

    As for Novak seeing Plame driving to work "in plain sight"... I don't buy it. I asked Will what the source of this info was/where is the independent verification... and he couldn't provide it.

    I'll believe Valerie Plame (and her boss at the CIA who said she was covert at the time of the outing) over an unnamed (and probably non existent) source.

    I guess Will doesn't have the guts to say Chris Matthews is a liar.

  10. Robert Novak was my source, wd. Are you calling Mr. Novak a liar (say what you want about Novak's politics and disposition, the man was a brilliant and respected journalist)?............Matthews is obviously paraphrasing. I mean, come on, Mr. Rove would have never been so stupid to say something like to Matthews, one of the major hypers of this story throughout.............And when Mr. Novak said that he only got a one-sentence confirmation from Karl Rove, are you saying that he was lying about that, too?

  11. And I ask you YET AGAIN, wd, if the release of Valerie Plame's name was such a federal crime, why wasn't Richard Armitage indicted? Why wasn't Karl Rove indicted? Why wasn't Robert Novak indicted? Why wasn't David Corn indicted? Why wasn't Joe Wilson indicted (being that he was more than likely the source for Mr. Corn)? Why did the media argue initially that "no crime had been committed" in the leaking of Plame's name? Why didn't George Tenant call Mr. Novak and put a stop to the story (all interactions with the press go to the top for OKing)? And why did Richard Armitage say that, in 43 years of military, state, and intelligence experience, he had NEVER, NEVER, seen a covert operative's name in a memo head? For some reason you don't want to answer these questions. The administration was setting the record straight and documents from Plame herself totally verify this.

  12. Will: Robert Novak was my source...

    Robert Novak personally witnessed Valerie Plame driving to work "in plain sight"?

    I don't know if Novak lied. I do know his information regarding the covert status of Valerie Plame was incorrect.

    Which is why I asked you were he got it. But, as I pointed out in my last post, you refuse to say. Or you simply don't know. Either way, I don't know why I should take his/your word for it that the source is reliable.

  13. Mr. Novak, just like very many reporters (can you say Woodward and Bernstein and "Deep Throat"), didn't reveal his sources. But, like I said before, he was one of the best and, being that the initial article was actually quite complimentary of Mr. Wilson, I doubt that he would be making things up to help Dick Cheney (a person who, because of the war that Novak opposed, he didn't particularly care for).

  14. You like that one, Les? LOL....And the thing is, Mr. Cheney in fact IS a dick. But simply being a dick isn't in and of itself a crime.


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