Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In a Nutshell

Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame LIED. And it wasn't just a little bitty white lie, either. Nope. It was a whopper!...According to these two individuals, it was the Vice President's office that sent Mr. Wilson to Niger....and it went along the lines of something like this, "Hey, Stan, we really need to check out that yellow-cake uranium situation in Niger. Any idea as to who we should send there?" "Gee, Dave, I don't know. Somebody from the C.I.A. maybe." Yeah, Stan, that's a good idea. Hey, I got it. Let's send that partisan Democrat, Joe Wilson - you know, the guy who's completely and totally opposed to the Iraq intervention?" "Excellent idea, Dave. Let's run it up the flag-pole and bring it to the Dickster ASAP." "Consider it done, Stan. Hey, we might even get a raise for this!" "Absofrigginglutely!"


  1. In a nutshell: you're wrong. And this imaginary conversation between "Stan" and "Dave" proves that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. The VP's office asked for verification. They never suggested anyone be sent to Niger. In fact, they were surprised that their request for verification resulted in a fact-finding trip. But I've explained this to you already (multiple times). I doubt the truth will get through this time. Your moderate extremism won't allow you to see the truth. You just stomp your feet and yell "NO!"

    The individual that lied was Scooter Libby. And he was convicted of a felony for it. But apparently Will thinks he decided to become a felon and get disbarred just for fun.

  2. Will,
    Got a reference for that dialog? If not, how can I tell if it is more valid than what Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame said?


    Although its been long overdue,it looks like people have had quite enough of these occupy dredges.Even a softy like Mike Bloomberg finally grew a pair.

    The CDC in Atlanta has recommended that prior to being released back into the general population these people be thoroughly hosed down and de-loused.

  4. Will not being honest in his posts?

    Posting fictitious dialogue to make democrats look bad.

    I'm shocked I tell, ya.


  5. The dialogue was a joke to prove just how idiotic that the Wilsons' claim was, that the VP's office had sent him. And then Plame compounded this by claiming something that was patently incorrect under oath; i.e., that she never recommended her husband for the assignment - this, when there are frigging official documents documents (memos from frigging Plame herself!) saying exactly the opposite.............As for Libby, the frigging guy was an idiot. All that he had to say was, "Yeah, I talked to Matt Cooper and I corrected the record. It was his frigging wife that recommended him and it was through him that he got the frigging gig. End of discussion."

  6. And I ask you YET AGAIN, if the release of Valerie Plame's name was such a federal crime, why wasn't Richard Armitage indicted? Why wasn't Karl Rove indicted? Why wasn' Robert Novak indicted? Why wasn't David Corn indicted? Why wasn't Joe Wilson indicted (being that he was more than likely the source for Mr. Corn)? Why did the media argue initially that "no crime had been committed" in the leaking of Plame's name? Why didn't George Tenant call Mr. Novak and put a stop to the story (all interactions with the press go to the top for OKing)? And why did Richard Armitage say that, in 43 years of military, state, and intelligence experience, he had NEVER, NEVER, seen a covert operative's name in a memo head?............Oh, yeah, this was the frigging crime of the century.

  7. Libby risked jail, became a felon and was disbarred because he was to stupid to realize all he had to do was tell the truth (and his lawyers were that stupid as well)?

    Right Will, that IS probably what happened... not! I'd say anyone who believes that is doing so because they are rigidly ideological, absolutely refuse to believe the truth could ever be clear-cut, and likely to fall prey to the most obscene paranoiac conspiracy theories.

    (The conspiracy theory here would be that Plame, Wilson, CIA chief Hayden, bush, Fitzgerald, Libby himself and Libby's lawyers conspired against Libby to send him to jail/give him a criminal record for NO reason!)

  8. Don't want to answer any of MY questions, I see. The White House was losing the perception battle and Libby was trying to do damage control. The cover-up is ALWAYS worse, from Teapot Dome to Watergate. Have you simply never read a history book?

  9. And I ask you YET AGAIN, wd, if the release of Valerie Plame's name was such a federal crime, why wasn't Richard Armitage indicted? Why wasn't Karl Rove indicted? Why wasn' Robert Novak indicted? Why wasn't David Corn indicted? Why wasn't Joe Wilson indicted (being that he was more than likely the source for Mr. Corn)? Why did the media argue initially that "no crime had been committed" in the leaking of Plame's name? Why didn't George Tenant call Mr. Novak and put a stop to the story (all interactions with the press go to the top for OKing)? And why did Richard Armitage say that, in 43 years of military, state, and intelligence experience, he had NEVER, NEVER, seen a covert operative's name in a memo head?. Please, I need to have you address these questions.

  10. Will: why wasn't Richard Armitage indicted?

    Intent. His outing Valerie Plame wasn't intended as payback. Apparently he was not aware she was covert.

    Karl Rove wasn't indicted because Scooter Libby "threw sand" in Fitzgerald's face. He would have been indicted if Libby had told the truth. Scooter was convicted because he was protecting Rove and Cheney!

    Joe Wilson and David Corn were not indicted because they weren't the ones who outed Valerie Plame.

    Why did the media argue initially that "no crime had been committed" in the leaking of Plame's name? I don't know. Perhaps they believed Novak. But they were wrong, as the prosecution went forward (Fitzgerald obviously and wisely took the word of CIA Chief Hayden, who IS the person who would know... certainly he was more in a position to know than those who submitted the media brief).

    Why didn't George Tenant call Mr. Novak and put a stop to the story? I don't know, you'd have to ask him. Perhaps because he was an official in the bush administration? You know, the administration responsible for outing a CIA agent as retribution?

    And I ask you, YET AGAIN why the hell was Libby prosecuted? If the media brief proved no crime was committed, why didn't Fitzgerald read it and dismiss the charges?

    Why did George bush say whoever leaked the name wouldn't work for his administration? Why did he not point out that Plame wasn't covert and so no foul?

    Why didn't Libby's lawyers argue that leaking the name wasn't a crime?

    Why didn't Libby tell Fitzgerald what he wanted to know?

    Why did CIA Chief Hayden say Plame was covert at the time of the outing if she wasn't?

    Why would Wilson and Plame lie? If she wasn't covert (and was not ever going to be again) the release of her name wouldn't have prevented her from doing her desk job at the CIA. Did she know she could get famous if she lied? Did she KNOW the book she wrote was going to be made into a movie starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn?

    Come on man! THINK, for Christ!


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