Sunday, November 13, 2011

My All-Time Favorite Andy Rooney Segment?

Hm, I think that it would have to be the one where he read on air ALL the lyrics to Michael Jackson's song, "Bad". And, yes, me-bucks, the fact that he executed this task with such a hilarious level of derision (the fact that Mr. Jackson felt the need to only use the same 6-7 words over and over again apparently irked Mr. Rooney; you know, an ACTUAL writer) made it especially memorable indeed. Of course, it wasn't until the very end when Mr. Rooney gave us his ultimate verdict that I totally lost it, "Boy, that was bad. Really bad. Really, really bad. Bad bad bad....."


  1. You know Will,when Andy died a few weeks ago the coroner found a family of Puerto Ricans living in his eyebrows.

  2. @Rusty, made me spew Pepsi out my nose with that comment.

  3. #37 may be onto something. It sure seemed racist to me, though I could not put my finger on exactly how (i.e. any connection to stereotypes about Puerto Ricans).

  4. Russ seems to be implying that Puerto Ricans procreate much more than other groups do.......I would have simply said that his eyebrows always arrived 10 minutes prior to the rest of his body (the same joke that I tend to use about Karl Malden's nose, in other words).

  5. Yea 37,I know its racist...and your point is?

  6. I guess, then, Rusty accepts that he's a racist. Controversy over.

  7. Someone's getting defensive. Didn't I say controversy over?

  8. Russ, I don't think that you're a racist. But, dude, you do kind of set yourself up at times.

  9. You're right Will,I'm not a racist. It just galls me how snowy white liberals constantly throw the race card until it has no meaning at all.

    They soothe their "white guilt" by either patting each other on the back for electing a black man to the white house or pointing while yelling racist at any non-issue.

    Having a wife who herself is a "minority" I've seen actual racism up close and personal....its a bit different then the percieved racism of WD,37 and dmarks.

  10. Rusty: It just galls me how snowy white liberals...

    Snowy White? What does Rusty mean by this? If someone is "snowy white" that must mean they don't make racist jokes and then claim to not be racist.

    For the record, I didn't "pat myself on the back" for electing a president who happened to be black. I voted for the Democrat. He happened to be black. It was historically significant, but I'd have voted for the Democrat regardless of who was nominated.

  11. WD: In your last comment...

    Well, I am glad you didn't put the principles of affirmative action (hiring on skin color instead of ability) into action here.

    Everyone deserves a fair shake without any regard to skin color. This is why any and all consideration of skin color in promotion, hiring, and university acceptance must be completely eliminated.

    To hold onto such policies is to embrace racism.

  12. dmarks: To hold onto such policies is to embrace racism.

    The purpose of Affirmative Action is to combat racism. I think only a racist would say Affirmative Action is "embracing racism". Am I calling dmarks a racist? I don't know dmarks, so I can't say for certain... but it is definitely a possibility. Perhaps he is just a deluded fool.


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