Monday, November 14, 2011

Miscellaneous 101

1) Being that it was the Fed (and not the markets) that a) printed money as if they were working for Milton Bradley, b) artificially lowered interest rates to a level that significantly misallocated resources, and c) created what was essentially a bailout culture (Greenspan's nickname actually WAS "Mr. Bailout") on Wall Street, it really is hard to blame Capitalism COMPLETELY for our recent economic calamities.............2) As for regulations in general, yes, I want the food supply inspected. Yes, I want the oil wells inspected. But, I'm telling you here, when you have the founder of Home Depot saying that he couldn't have created his business in today's regulatory climate, that, to me, is a big-time canary in the coal-mine, people............3) In 2008, the state of Maryland passed a special millionaire's tax (a 6.25% rate on all income over a million a year). The following year when all of the returns came in, nearly one in eight of those millionaires magically disappeared. Yeah, it's possible that some of them expired but nearly 13%? Some of them had to havemoved (rich people frequently have two homes and will, when necessary, change their permanent address to the state which has lower taxation). And, while, no, I can't say for sure that the tax increase, and the tax increase alone, prompted these departures, it is at the very least curious. No?............4) Not to be provocative, but have you seen the behavior of some of those miscreants out there in Oakland? My God, if the frigging Tea Partiers had ever acted like that, Chris Matthews and the rest of those clowns over at MSNBC would have had a full-blown kanipshin….I mean, did you see the way that they acted when that ONE neanderthal brought a gun to a rally?............5) Boston College's offense has been struggling literally all season. In fact, folks, if it hadn't have been for their reasonably stout defense, they probably wouldn't have even won the three games that they have. One suggestion that I would put forth (and, granted, there are only two games left) would be to get the ball more to Alexander Amidon. Amidon, a sophomore wide-receiver, is undoubtedly (especially now that running-back and former ACC player of the year, Montel Harris, is out for the season) the most talented individual that BC has on offense. The guy is blazing fast (he's been clocked at under 4.4 in the 40), extremely shifty, and runs the best routes of any player on the team. And, besides, the dude's a nutmegger (a graduate of the Hotchkiss School in Salisbury). For that singular reason alone....


  1. Here's y miscellaneous for ya, Will:

    Marine drags wanna-be hippie out of the building for being a jackass. Oh yes.

    See here:

  2. Oh, and one other thing:

    I want to throw dead fish at that obnoxious woman on the PCMatic commercials.

  3. And the left says that it doesn't have wingnuts.

  4. The Right has folks like the TEA Party as its most vocal advocates. The Left has the Occupy Movement folks.

    Is there really any comparison? Nah. One represents peaceful dissent. The other represents the unwashed ignorant masses of failed hipsterdom.

    So...I take it you enjoyed that link? :)

  5. Some of those Tea Party attended town halls got a little rowdy. But, as far as I can tell, nobody there ever got arrested. Compare that to the absolute mayhem out in Oakland, Portland, etc. and, yeah, ecc102, your point is an exceedingly valid one.

  6. Will: yeah, ecc102, your point is an exceedingly valid one.

    It is exceedingly invalid. Tea Partiers weren't arrested because they were "protesting" in support of the wealthy elites/the powers that be.

    That OWS protestors being arrested while Tea Party dupes were not proves is that OWS is a genuine grass roots movement (which upsets the wealthy elites) and that the Tea Party was astroturf.

    Will: ...the founder of Home Depot saying...

    What this proves is that Will isn't the moderate he says he is. I googled this and all the stories that came up were from Right-wing websites. The top three links were from Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" and below that were two from Fox News.

    Anyway, the guy you're referring to, Ken Langone, appears to have just been the money-man. Home Depot's own site says it was founded by "Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank ALONG WITH investment banker Ken Langone and merchandising guru Pat Farrah".

    I think it's clear Langone is just a Republican Obama-basher who wants a Republican elected president in 2012.

  7. The right-wing picked it up, wd, because the left-wing mainstream media is still running interference for Obama and didn't want to put the dude in a negative light.........And do you have evidence that Mr. Langone is a Republican, or is this just another of your conspiracy theories?

  8. WD said: "It is exceedingly invalid. Tea Partiers weren't arrested because they were "protesting" in support of the wealthy elites/the powers that be."

    WD, the tea party protesters were protesting against the wealthy elites, and especially against the powers that be (the ruling elites). There were countless signs at the tea party rallies against the Wall Street handouts *cough* bailouts, and a strong and consistent attitude against handouts to corporations and wealthy individuals.

    "The top three links were from Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" and below that were two from Fox News."

    So? Will links from left-wing news sites also.

  9. WD said: "Utter nonsense. First of all, the mainstream media being Leftwing is a thoroughly debunked Rightwing talking point."

    It has nothing to do with talking points. Measured from the center, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC are left-wing, and Fox is right wing. You must measure from the center, instead of considering a hard-left view to be the centerpoint.

  10. dmarks: Measured from the center, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC are left-wing, and Fox is right wing. You must measure from the center, instead of considering a hard-left view to be the centerpoint.

    The News organizations you list are corporate. The only Leftwing media is MSNBC and Keith Olbermann. This "measuring for the center" claim of yours is laughable.

    You don't know where the center is. Proof of that is you referring to Bill Clinton as a Liberal or Leftwing president when he was actually a moderate to conservative Democrat.

  11. WD said: "The News organizations you list are corporate."

    So? The vast majority of businesses and organizations are organized into corporations for liabiity reasons.

    "The only Leftwing media is MSNBC and Keith Olbermann."

    They are one of many.

    "This "measuring for the center" claim of yours is laughable."

    The center is the best place to measure from. At least I have the objectivity to look at the centerpoint as where it really is, rather than see my own viewpoint as the centerpoint.

    "You don't know where the center is. Proof of that is you referring to Bill Clinton as a Liberal or Leftwing president"

    That is a perfect example of how you are so far off. Measured from the center, Clinton was left-wing and liberal.

    Only if you see the centerpoint as something deep in the Left does Clinton come across as not being on the left.


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