Thursday, October 20, 2011

Less Than "Zero"

I'm going to be honest, folks. While I didn't see the entirety of yesterday's Republican debate, what I did see was more than sufficient. You had five lunatics (Perry, Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, and Santorum), an interesting fellow who you wouldn't mind having as a college professor but couldn't quite see as President (Paul), and a phony baloney (Romney - sad, in that, if the fellow just went back to being who he was before this "metamorphosis", he probably wouldn't be half-bad). And the fact that I consider myself an open-minded and persuadable swing-voter - that, folks, made it all the more frustrating! Oh well, here's to yet another cycle of having to vote for the lesser......


  1. You are only voting for the lesser if you vote republican. The democrat in the election will be the better.

  2. Mr. Obama is a decent chap, Jerry, I agree. But to say that I will be voting for him with enthusiasm would be a lie, and I certainly don't want to lie to you.

  3. Personally, I like the idea of voting for the person who will be the better president rather than the less evil president.

    And I don't want to lie to you, either.

  4. I like that idea, too, Jerry. It just doesn't always mesh with views, perceptions, etc.. Michael Bloomberg, now there's a fellow who I'd be voting FOR.


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