Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Constitutional Envelope

While I've always considered myself a fairly strong pro-choice citizen, the fact that there are still ten states (Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, New Jersey, and West Virginia) which literally have ZERO restrictions on abortions is something that even I find troubling.......................................................................................................I mean, think about it, folks. In Alaska, say, a pregnant woman can go into a clinic and abort a child literally one day prior to the due date. And she doesn't even need a doctor's notice saying that it's necessary for her health. That's exceedingly creepy, I think. Killing a baby one day prior to it being born is OK, but two days after that it's murder (yes, I know, it's rare but, still)? I'm just saying.


  1. Will, your view is that of at least 81% of Americans. See this poll.

    See the second section down. "ABC News/Washington Post Poll.". The group that favors abortion for any reason up to birth can never quite even hit 20%.

    That's a smaller group than even the die-hards who want Sarah Palin to be President.

  2. I just find it kind of strange that you can kill something on October 26th and it isn't a crime (in certain states) but on October 28th it is.


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