Sunday, September 4, 2011

Whe the Side-Show Becomes the Main Act

One advantage that the Democrats seem to have over the Republicans these days is an ability to control their "crazies". While the Republican Party seems to continuously get hijacked by elements such as the moral majority, the neocons, the tea party, etc., the Democrats seem to far more marginalize their crazies; the Dennis Kuciniches, the Bernie Sanderses, the Markos Moulitsises, Keith Olbermanns, Rachel Maddows, wds of the world (compare their pitiful influence with that of Mr. Limbaugh - very few, if any, Republicans EVER stand up to that stumblebum). In fact, folks, that's precisely why, if I ever did have to join a political party, it would be the Democratic party and not the Republican party; the fact that they're far better able to synthesize the moderates amongst them.


  1. I saw a lengthy interview with Dennis Kucinich on Fox News. He was in full pro-Gaddhafi mode.

    Perhaps they had him on there to make Democrats look bad.

  2. The "crazies" you mentioned are actually the most sane elements of the Democratic party.

    I think it is high time more people start listening to these voices. If they did the country wouldn't be in as bad shape as it is. In fact, I think we'd be knee-deep in prosperity.

    Unfortunately the only prosperity that is acceptle is for the wealthy (exclusively).

    My dream presidential team would be Bernie Sanders/Dennis Kucinich. If they were somehow elected (along with a Democratic super majority in the House and Senate) the US would shortly be transformed into a near utopia.

    But nobody would really want that... it would be way to crazy!

  3. "My dream presidential team would be Bernie Sanders/Dennis Kucinich"

    That's also the dream team of all of the Republican candidates. Romney, Perry, etc would struggle against Obama, but Sanders/Kucinich would make these Republicans salivate over very sure prospects of an 80%+ landslide.

  4. Also, Sarah Palin, Bachmann, and the most fringe Republicans vying for the party nomination don't have a chance against President Obama.

    But they would against your "Dream Ticket"

    one example of it.

    So go ahead, run your pair of joke candidates/spoilers. The GOP would thank you for it. And their own joke candidates would be much less of a joke against them.

  5. dmarks, you are misunderstanding or misrepresenting what I said. Sanders/Kucinich are NOT my "dream ticket". I said they were my dream team...

    I was saying that if (somehow) they won a presidential election or were otherwise installed... I think it would be very good for the country.

    I never said I thought they should run or that they could win. So you can shut the hell up about that now.

    btw, if they did run (and Obama did not) I very much doubt there would be an 80%+ Republican landslide. Why would the American people be so much more willing to vote Republican crazy over Democratic crazy? (and I'm not saying BS or DK are crazy... I'm assuming that is what your argument is... that both of these gentlemen are "Liberal fanatics"... as John Myste put it).

  6. Pure speculation, wd. My suspicion is that, if your heroes ever took over this country, we'd be in at least as bad a shape as those mediocre European nations who presently can't seem get out of each other's way. A 55 year retirement age, a 77.65% top tax rate, prohibitive corporate taxes, caving in to the unions no matter what, steep tariffs on most imported goods (yet another regressive tax coming from the fringe). Oh yeah, I can't wait for THAT utopia.

  7. Mediocre European nations? Some have problems, but I don't think any can be blamed on progressive policies. Europe, IMO, has proven that Democratic Socialism works.

    Haven't you heard of the studies that show these countries (the Scandinavian ones) are the happiest places on earth? Sounds like utopia to me.

  8. Yeah, the Danes (a small, docile - what, Hitler ran 'em over in about an hour?, homogeneous country that has other nations basically defend them) are happy. Why not just move there, wd?

  9. WD asked: "dmarks, you are misunderstanding or misrepresenting what I said."

    Neither. Any problems had to do with your own lack of clarity.

    You said: "My dream presidential team would be Bernie Sanders/Dennis Kucinich."

    "I ...they won a presidential election....I never said I thought they should run "

    How else do you win a Presidential election but by running? I made no misunderstanding or misrepresentation. The assumption is always that to get to the Presidency, there's a dream "ticket" before the dream "team" .

    "So you can shut the hell up about that now."

    How mature of you.


    "Why would the American people be so much more willing to vote Republican crazy over Democratic crazy?"

    No. They would easily choose the popular leader-of-the-pack non-crazies Republicans over the fringe crazies that you proposed as your dream ticker *cough* dream team.

    In a battle of crazies vs crazies (the hard fringes), it's anyone's guess as to which side would use. Both sides would have a fighting chance.

    "Europe, IMO, has proven that Democratic Socialism works."

    Democracy works. Socialism (economic fascism) does make the trains run on time, but it is rather unjust. Mid 20th century Central Europe and Eastern Europe of most of the 20th century are typical results of socialism, not abberations.

    People who are too easily given to having the ruling elites make personal decisions for them (as in the case of single payer) have been proven historically much more likely to goose-step and work for Final Solution, 5-year plans, Great Leaps Forward, and other such atrocities.

    It all has to do with the mindset of "government always knows best", one which critical minds reject.

  10. dmarks: I made no misunderstanding or misrepresentation.

    Yes you did, and you still are. Why the hell would I be talking about what Sanders/Kucinich would do as president/VP if I were not making the assumption that they had already won?

    dmarks: It all has to do with the mindset of "government always knows best", one which critical minds reject.

    Actually it has to do with the mindset that THE PEOPLE know best... and everyone excepting those without critical minds acknowledges that "the government" represents the will of the people.


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