Sunday, September 4, 2011

These Guys Are SO Far Left, They Make 1960s College Professors Seem Like the John Birch Society

What would be my answer to the question, "So, just how far left IS this new crop of progressive bloggers?"


  1. I'm currently listening to my Thom Hartmann podcast... which inspired me to write a new post for my blog. The post explains exactly why means testing is a bad idea.

    I have one Barry Manilow CD, but I don't recall the last time I listened to it. More than a year ago at least. I might buy some additional Barry Manilow CDs in the future. It's something I've been considering for awhile.

    First I'll have to dig out the one I have and give it a spin.

  2. Who is this "new crop" of progressive bloggers anyway? My blog has been in existence since 2/5/2006, whereas your first post is dated 4/23/2007. My blog is older than your blog. If either of us is the "newbie" wouldn't that be you?


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