Thursday, September 8, 2011

What in the Hell are You, Dude; A Physician or a Frigging Dope Dealer?

What would be my answer to the question, "So, if you could ask Dr. Conrad Murray (the late Michael Jackson's personal physician and the dude who gave him that allegedly lethal dose of Propofol) one question, what would that one question be?"


  1. Hey,if this guy hestened Michael Jackson's exit from this world I say give him a friggin medal.

  2. Russ, you're back and in rare form. LOL Look, I'm not a big Michael Jackson fan, either. But my point is that we simply can't have licensed physicians running around and acting like this. The next person that an individual like this effs up could be one of our (mine, yours, wd's, etc.) relatives.

  3. Yes Will, what Rusty said is DEFINITELY worthy of a LOL. I take it you are both convinced that he was guilty of what he was accused of... even though in your world not being charged (and I presume beating the rap) means it never happened...

    or so dmarks claimed when he said BP wasn't party to murdering those 11 people who died on the Deepwater Horizon.

    I think Michael was innocent. He was never convicted or served in time in prision, did he?

  4. WD,I dont give a flying f#@k if Jackson was quilty or innocent of the charges brought against him....but he was most quilty of being creepy and thats enough for him to ride the bolt.

  5. wd, I was kind of just laughing at the situation - you know, kind of like Red Skelton used to do (though you're probably too young to remember him) back in the 60s.......And the more that I think about Jackson, the more that I think that he might be innocent. The guy comes across so childlike that he may in fact be one of those people who is asexual. And the fact that he actually TALKED about sharing a bed with children. A real predator would have never said something that incriminating. They're all about covering their acts up, not advertising them.

  6. The ObamaCare plan may some day be the next Dr. Murray.

  7. Rusty wants to execute people he finds creepy regardless of guilt or innocence? How about we execute self-righteous a-holes who want to kill people they find creepy? That sounds like a better idea to me.

    RN: The ObamaCare plan may some day be the next Dr. Murray.

    Michael Jackson wanted Propofol and Conrad Murray obliged, even though it was a medically bad idea. Being of a Libertarian persuasion, why isn't RN defending Murray? Shouldn't people be able to make their own decisions, good or bad? And if you're rich, shouldn't you be able to pay people to do whatever the hell you want them to?

  8. WD,you may very well fit Rusty's definition of could very well be on the list.

  9. Another point is that rich people like Mr. Jackson are often prey to blackmail. That could have absolutely been the case with him. I just wish that the dude didn't fork over that 20 million. Yeah, it may have gotten the first individual to stifle, but it also possibly encouraged more blackmail. Just a thought/theory.

  10. Hey,he's in the ground and the world is better for it.

  11. "Hey, buddy, what bank has the safe deposit box with Michael's real nose in it? We could make a mint putting it on eBay"


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