Friday, September 9, 2011

Note to the Republicans 1

I can see myself voting for a Howard Baker over President Obama. I can see myself voting for a Nelson Rockefeller over President Obama. I can see myself voting for a Gerry Ford over President Obama. I can even see myself voting for a George H.W. Bush or a Robert Dole over President Obama. But this Rick Perry character from Texas - I ain't voting for him. I don't care if the unemployment rate is 30%! We just cannot have an individual THAT ignorant as the leader of the free world. PERIOD!


  1. Read my lips: I couldn't vote for any of these guys. [1] They're Republicans, [2] several of them are dead. Call me crazy, but I doubt a dead guy would be up for the job.

  2. Will - Couldn't have said it better myself.

    w-dervish - Will of course was making a point. One that indicates the existence of an open mind. Something I'm fairly certain you lack.

  3. Now, hold on. I would vote for just about any dead guy over Perry. There is nothing wrong with that.

  4. I'm fairly certain my mind is at least partially open. But seeing as RN's mind is fully open, I wonder if RN would consider voting for Theodore Roosevelt (a Republican, albeit a dead one) or Bill Clinton (a Moderate to Conservative Democrat who is still alive)?

    I might consider voting for one of those dead guys Will listed, except for Gerald Ford... if they were somehow alive and somehow won the Republican nomination. I would NOT vote for GHWB or Bob Dole.

    None of these Republicans could win the nomination today, however... So I expect dmarks to attack this post and imply that Will is stupid. Like he did when I said I'd like to see Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich as Prez and VP.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'd go one better, I'd vote for zombie Reagan in a New York minute over Perry. Of course Reagan wouldn't be pure enough for the Teabaggers to win the nomination again, even as a member of the undead.

  7. Hey Will,you already voted for a failure....he's presently living at 1600.

  8. Gerry Ford was a good and decent man, wd. The country could do a hell of a lot worse than him. I am impressed, though, that you'd consider voting for Mr. Rockefeller. Maybe there is some hope for you......Yes, Rusty, I voted for Mr. Obama. It was either him or George W. Bush on steroids. I opted for Obama.

  9. Ah Will,you're forgivin for your
    indescretion....please dont make the same mistake twice in a row....I mean that would be like voting for Jimmy Carter twice....fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice shame on me.

  10. w-dervish - I would vote for either (should the dead one be made undead} if they ran against Teh One.

    Actually, if the choice be Perry or Teh One, as difficult as it would be, I would struggle with either voting for Donald Duck or Teh One.

    Slam dunk!

  11. And I don't know why the liberals hate George H.W. Bush so much. He passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, made some extensions to the Clean Air Act, cut a deal with the Dems to raise some taxes, and didn't get us all bogged down in Iraq. In retrospect, the fellow wasn't half shabby.

  12. I am a liberal and Bush Sr. is my favorite of those on the nutty side of the aisle.

  13. Bush Sr. was better telling the truth about voodoo economics in 1980, then he ever was trying to continue that economic scam system for Wall Street.

  14. As I seem to recall, a lot of hard-core conservatives despised Bush 1; George Will, Robert Novak, Pat Buchanan, etc..

  15. WD said; "Read my lips: I couldn't vote for any of these guys. [1] They're Republicans"

    A perfect example of blind partisanship. No better example can be found than what WD just said above.

    Will: Ford's first name was Jerry. Not being a spelling nazi, but since you misspelled it twice, I figured you might not know.

  16. Yeah, you're right. Gerry would be short for Geraldine, huh? LOL

  17. and....his last name was Ford....same as the auto company.Who really cares,he was an awfull president...."the state of the union is not good." His only saving grace was he allowed the fool Carter to be elected....which lead to Reagan.Thank you Jerry,watch your head....dont fall down.

  18. dmarks: A perfect example of blind partisanship. No better example can be found than what WD just said above.

    So, you'd consider voting for a Democrat? I really don't believe it, given the fact that you consider Bill Clinton a Liberal. There's never been a Democrat far enough to the Right for dmarks to vote for.

    What the hell makes dmarks NOT a partisan? This I'd like to hear. He'd vote for a Libertarian?

  19. Just for the record, I've voted in 9 Presidential elections; 3 of those times I've for a Democrat, 2 times I've voted for a Republican, and 4 times I've voted for an Independent. If anybody has a more nonpartisan record than that one, I would personally love to hear it.

  20. You speak as if your record is something to be proud of Will. I'd be embarrassed to say I voted for a Republican. I'd be even more embarrassed to say I threw my vote away four times!

  21. Some of the votes I'm proud of (or at least stand behind), some of them I'm not proud of (Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Ralph Nader in 2000, for example). And my proclamation was one of being nonpartisan, NOT a partisan hack. President Dukakis? Really?

  22. George H. W. Bush? Really?? I think Dukakis would have been an excellent president. He certainly would have been better than HW.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Will said: "Some of the votes I'm proud of (or at least stand behind), some of them I'm not proud of (Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Ralph Nader in 2000"

    That last one in 2000 was really a vote for George W. Bush. Nader was just running as a spoiler.

    As for you voting record in Presidential elections, you show yourself to be just about the most thoughtful here. It's clear that your mind doesn't close like a steel trap just because you see a "D" or a "R" after someone's name.

  25. WD said: "So, you'd consider voting for a Democrat? "

    Absolutely, and I have several times. Even for very liberal Democrats.

    "I really don't believe it, given the fact that you consider Bill Clinton a Liberal."

    My considering Bill Clinton to be a liberal means that I am informed about political definitions. I am not defining him as a liberal: he already is one.

    "There's never been a Democrat far enough to the Right for dmarks to vote for."

    Is Senator Carl Levin really that right-wing?

    "What the hell makes dmarks NOT a partisan? This I'd like to hear."

    Quite simply, the ideals and policies of someone are more important to me than someone's political party.

    "He'd vote for a Libertarian?"

    I'm not sure I ever said this, and what it might have to do with anything.

  26. (And I forgot to add that I voted Mondale over Reagan in that election, and in the previous election I voted for the moderate Anderson over liberal Carter or conservative Reagan).

  27. dmarks: My considering Bill Clinton to be a liberal means that I am informed about political definitions.

    I think it shows how uninformed you are. Bill Clinton did not self-identify as a Liberal. He was a third-way (Conservative) Democrat. His record and own statements show this to be a fact. Someone who denies this does not know what he is talking about... and I do not take anything such a person says seriously.

    Carl Levin voted to let the terrorists run free (to use your terminology) in Iraq... and YOU voted for him??? Why?

  28. I voted Levin him before he in fact made pro-terrorist votes in the Senate.

    As always, I do consider someone's political party, but it takes a back seat to other concerns.


    "His record and own statements show this to be a fact."

    His record show it to be a fact he is a liberal. Remember, I measure from the center, not from an extreme. And the "Third Way" you keep bringing up is a leftist/liberal movement, but it is specifically less liberal than some others.

    On the Issues:: "Bill Clinton is a Moderate Liberal."

    Just because a leftist/liberal is not as extreme as you want him to be is no reason for you to try to get away with rewriting history and redefining terms on the fly.


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