Saturday, September 10, 2011

Note to Georgia Tech Football Coach Paul Johnson

Look, dude, I'll admit it. You know more about football than this fellow ever will. But I do know one thing that the great Paul Johnson seems to have forgotten. Can you say, "put the ball into the hands of your very best player and do it frequently"? I mean, come on, man!! Not only is Orwin Smith the best player on YOUR team, he's one of the truly best players IN THE NATION. Happen not to believe me? Hm, try looking at the frigging stats, bra. Last year, Mr. Smith averaged 9.7 yards a carry and 16.3 yards a catch - an eye-popping 10.9 yards every time that he touched the damned football. And so far this year, it's even frigging BETTER; an even MORE eye-popping 16.1 yards a carry and 21.5 yards a catch. I mean, I know that I'm not exactly a rocket scientist and all, but, come on, you gotta think that this fellow deserves more than 5-6 touches a ball-game. NO?


  1. Will: you gotta think that this fellow deserves more than 5-6 touches a ball-game. NO?

    No, I do not gotta do that. I have no opinion on the matter because I don't watch footballl and do not know who either of these people are. Nor do I care.

  2. Picture this:WD in the basement,at the keyboard,cheeto dust in the air,a hotpocket on a paper plate,a room temp Mountain Dew in hand and a long forgotten movie score playing in the background....WD's ideal Sunday.

  3. Cheetohs, Russ - those are the crunchy ones, correct (Cheese Puffs being the softer ones)?

  4. Will: This was a note to Coach Paul Johnson...

    Hmm, it seems he hasn't responded yet. I wonder why?

  5. As for Rusty suggesting I fit the nerd/loser stereotype (just because I'm a Liberal?)... nope, except for the keyboard use, absolutely nothing he said is or was applicable. I read his comment on Sunday... I was watching a movie on Cinemax at the time, not listening to a film score.

    I don't eat cheetos or hot pockets. I don't drink Mountain Dew. I like my soda cold. I've never purchased nor do I use paper plates. There is no basement where I live.

  6. If you're saying that he hasn't responded because he knows I'm right......

  7. he hasn't responded because he knows I'm right......

    Or more realistically he doesn't know you or your blog even exists, try emailing the man this blog post of yours and see if he responds.

  8. I was joking, Mr. Numerology. OF COURSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT I EXIST. For Christ sakes, I barely know that I exist.

  9. come on WD...tell the know you've got a bag of Cheeto's somewhere.You've got to fit the profile...oh wait,we are'nt allowed to profile anyone....never mind.

  10. It was'nt racial was dufuss qualified.

  11. Rusty: t was'nt racial was dufuss qualified.

    Profiling by a doofus, you mean. And it didn't work either.

  12. Just for the record, while I don't believe in racial profiling (this, in that it's a - ineffectual and b - inflammatory), I do believe in behavioral profiling; people who only buy one-way plane tickets, people who spend a lot of time in countries where terrorist cells exist, previous criminal activity, etc.. That, and I definitely don't believe in patty down 90-something great grandmothers.

  13. Will: Do you believe in racist quotas as part of affirmative action? It's the type of racial profiling the left seems to prefer.

  14. What are "racist quotas"? They sure as hell aren't a part of affirmative action.

    Affirmative calls for a certain percentage of minorities to be accepted, not racists.

  15. WD asked: "What are "racist quotas"? They sure as hell aren't a part of affirmative action."

    They typically are. Racist quotes, goals, preferences, points given to people of one skin color but not to another, etc. It's very racist, and it is often part of affirmative action programs.

    "Affirmative calls for a certain percentage of minorities to be accepted"

    And what if the percentage is not being met? People then get hired or passed over based on their skin color. And that's nothing other than racist. These 'calls' are very racist. What should be done instead is make sure that there is no racism, no consideration for skin color at all.


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