Monday, September 12, 2011

Miscellaneous 98

1) One of the businesses that got a waiver from the President's health care bill is this swanky restaurant in San Francisco called Boboquivari's. To give you an idea of just HOW swanky, if you want to order a porterhouse steak there, you had better bring some dinero with you; $59 (plus a sizable tip, obviously), to be exact. The obvious questions here are....a) Couldn't the proprietors of this place use some of these "proceeds" to purchase decent health insurance for their employees? And b) how in the bluest blazes did they ever get a frigging waiver to begin with?...President Obama?............2) While, yes, I understand that it probably isn't feasible to have everybody up on that debate stage who wants to be there (yes, I'm talking about the Republican Presidential debates), I'm still kind of disappointed that (Gary) Johnson and (Fred) Karger have apparently gotten blackballed. I mean, come on here, folks, these are two of the more interesting candidates. Karger is a moderate who not only admits to being a moderate, he's actually proud of it (that, and he's the first openly gay American to ever run for President) and Johnson is a libertarian whose positions on a whole host of issues are exceedingly interesting (not to mention unorthodox in Republican circles); his views, specifically, on drug legalization, immigration, foreign policy, abortion, etc.. To not have fellows like these on the program does nothing but reinforce the notion that the Republicans are a monolithic group . But, hey, who in the hell am I to say, right?............3) I heard a great description of Rocky and Bullwinkle the other evening. Somebody referred to this pair as "a couple of fellows, one sightly smarter than the other but neither one of 'em rocket scientists." That pretty much encompasses it, no?


  1. Can you believe it.....a Republican won Anthony Wieners seat tonight in a special election.Thats a district thats voted democratic for years.This is not a good sign for Obie.

  2. This congressional district has been on the democratic side of the asile for 90 years.

  3. Rusty: This is not a good sign for Obie.

    Barack Obama didn't tweet photos of his privates to anyone.

  4. "The Heathen Republican said...
    2) Don't forget Thaddeus McCotter"

    I hear reports on him on talk radio almost daily, as he is the lone candidate from Michigan. His anti-worker-rights stance makes him a no-starter for me.

    As is Bachmann... in the debate she bashed Perry because he didn't exclude the children of suspected criminals from a tuition program.

    To me, punishing children for supposed crimes of parents is ugly and un-American.


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