Saturday, July 30, 2011

Note to Sean Hannity 2

Here's yet another thing about you that bugs me. Whenever somebody even remotely suggests that we cut the defense department, you always have to refer to that as "gutting defense". It's like, come on, dude! There's a massive amount of waste in the defense budget; weapons that are obsolete, overseas bases that do nothing more than stimulate other country's economies. Hell, Sean, even Bob Gates said that we could cut defense spending by tens of billions a year. Are you going to try and tell us here that Bob Gates, a man who's dedicated his entire adult life to trying to make this country safer, is also trying to "gut" the defense department? I think that we're just going to have to face it here, fellow. You're nothing but a weaselly little partisan stooge who seemingly can't adjust his thought process to save himself....I really kind of feel bad for you in a way.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that Hannity is a partisan stooge that tows the party line... unlike Keith Olbermann who does criticize the Obama administration.


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