Saturday, July 30, 2011

Note to Sean Hannity 1

Dude, you do realize, don't you, that if in fact we had a balanced budget amendment (and, no, I'm not necessarily arguing for or against it here one here), President Bush wouldn't have been able to ram through those highly expensive tax-cuts 10 years ago. And, neither, Sean, would he have been able to start those 2 wars without paying for them, either. Something to ponder about, no?..............As for the debt-ceiling situation, don't worry, it'll get raised. There are still too many (relatively) sane people in Washington (non-Sean Hannities, in other words) to muck around with it. Mark my word here.


  1. So, Hannity says don't raise the debt ceiling under any circumstance? I wouldn't know because I don't watch his program.

    I'd argue against a balanced budget amendment -- for certain the way the Republicans have written it. They want a 2/3 majority before any taxes are raised... which would mean taxes would never be raised again... even though they are now at historic lows.

    And you SAY you'd support raising taxes on the wealthy at least back up to the Clinton rates? Surely you can take a stand against this balanced budget amendment.... AT LEAST as written (with the 2/3 needed to raise taxes BS included).

    Or perhaps abolishing the income tax altogether is a part of Bill Barr's mixed bag that you approved of (and one of the reasons you considered voting for him)?

  2. Bwhahahahahaha!

    Will, never thought of you as Don Quixote tilting at windmills and asking rhetorical questions.

  3. If I had voted for Barr, wd, it would have been as a protest vote. I am (and was) getting very frustrated with the increasingly strident foreign policy of both parties. I found Mr. Barr's more restrained perspective quite refreshing back then. I also liked his views on civil liberties.............As for the IRS, as much as getting rid of it would certainly be tempting, a sales tax in its place would be far too regressive.


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