Friday, July 8, 2011

Kenny Wheeler

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who, in your opinion, is the most under-appreciated jazz trumpeter of all time?"


  1. I certainly don't appreciate him. I don't know who he is.

  2. w-dervish - A taste of Kenny...

    Will - Kenny is definitely underrated.

    Of course no one compares with the Charmain of the Board Maynard Ferguson.


  3. Donald Byrd and to a lesser extent Chet Baker.

  4. Donald Byrd would have been my second choice, Marcus. I just thought that less people had heard of Mr. Wheeler. Both great musicians, obviously.

  5. Will: Donald Byrd would have been my second choice...

    Who? Is he related to Larry Byrd... I've heard of him.

  6. Kenny Wheeler = a hero whose music I have never heard (I didn't taste and enjoy any of RN's links).

  7. Kenny Wheeler you disparage, Barry Manilow you defend. On a coolness scale of 0-10, wd, you're about a point 5.

  8. How the hell am I disparaging him? I just said I've never heard his music. For all I know his jazz trumpeting is the shiznit.

    I've heard some of Barry Manilow's music (the hits, at least), and they meet with my approval. He is not my favorite artist by far, but there is no way I would call his tunes "pablum".

    His artistry is certainly superior to the pablum of Briteny Spears (for instance). IMO it's quite insulting that you would place Mr. Manilow in the same category as "New Kids on the Block".

    In any case, I never claimed to be "cool".


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