Friday, July 8, 2011

Groucho "take no prisoners" Hart

Remember that old Groucho Marx joke, "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member"? Yeah? Well, THAT, and I'd like to raise him one. I wouldn't join any club that would have Haddam Husein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hafez al Assad, Yasser Arafat, and the Iranian mullahs as members, either. Nor in fact would I ever trust a club like that....EVER!


  1. So you think The US should pull out of the United Nations?

  2. By all means yes.A useless organization.

  3. I wasn't asking you Rusty. I am asking Will.

  4. My sentiments are with Rusty (I especially don't like the way that they single out Israel and often turn a blond-eye to other atrocities). Practically speaking, though, we have to be a member (of the U.N.).............Actually, I was referring to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, that rump organization that you apparently wanted us to turn Mr. bin Laden over to.

  5. I know what organization you were referring to. Some of the same countries are members of both organizations... I thought you might want to pull out for that reason.

    Do you support Peter King's investigation of the Islamic community?

    I ask because you seem to be implying that the OIC would have been sympathetic to a terrorist. But Gareth Porter says the OIC is moderate. If that is true (and I'm assuming that it is) I don't know why you would call them a "rump organization".

    My guess is that some level of Islamophobia on your part is the reason. I can think of no other rational reason.

  6. I absolutely WOULDN'T trust that organization to mete out justice. You would?......So, Mr. Porter thinks that an organization without ONE SINGLE Democratic country in it represents moderation? My, God, I would hate to see what he considers repressive.......And I resent your ludicrous charge of Islamophobia. I have more no fear of a Muslim than I do a Jew or a Christian (what, do you think I'M Bill Maher or something?). It has to do with regimes, leaders, and terrorism. We were the ones who were attacked. We're the one who get to put them on trial.

  7. As for Mr. King, yes, I think that there should have been an investigation of extremists. But it shouldn't have been an investigation restricted to Islamic extremists. They also should have looked into radical anti-abortion groups, etc., too.

  8. WD asked "Do you support Peter King's investigation of the Islamic community?"

    This makes me shake my head for so many reasons. One of them is that I came to know who PETER King was when he went on LARRY King and other shows and passionately advocated terrorism.

  9. Peter King = supporter of terrorism, so long as the terrorists aren't Muslim (this is one of the rare ones that dmarks has right).

    From Wikipedia:

    Groucho's political views were liberal. In his book The Groucho Phile, Marx says "I've been a liberal Democrat all my life", and "I frankly find Democrats a better, more sympathetic crowd.... I'll continue to believe that Democrats have a greater regard for the common man than Republicans do".

    Conclusion #1 = Groucho Marx would agree more with me and less with you.

    Conclusion #2 = You misappropriated Mr. Marx's stage name in the title of your post. You aren't "raising him one"... you've totally changed the point of the joke. Instead of being self-deprecatory your version is quite arrogant...

    Because what you're saying is...

    Western nations = better than Islamic nations.


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