Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yet Another Moronic Stab at the President's Patriotism and Commitment to Defend this Country

I have long considered Monica Crowley amongst the most divisive pundits on the far-right (on a par with Limbaugh and Coulter, quite frankly). But what the woman said on "Hannity" (she was actually on subbing for the dude) tonight was frigging nasty, even for her! Upon learning that the Holder Justice Department was investigaing the death of several detainees during the Bush administration, she uttered something to the effect that Mr. Obama was pursuing the good guys (the C.I.A., in this instance) with a lot more vigor than he has been the terrorists. Yeah, that's right, folks, Mr. Obama, a guy who's been bombing the hell out of Northern Pakistan, who in 2009 surged an extra 30,000 troops into Afghanistan (and whose current exit strategy from that theater is hardly robust), who continues to hold detainees indefinitely, who continues to use rendition, and who just frigging obliterated Osama bin Laden - that guy is going after the C.I.A. more vigorously than he is the terrorists. Give me a frigging break here.


  1. Obama and Holder aren't doing enough (hardly anything). It's shameful that the bush criminals are getting off scott-free.

  2. Not true WD,

    They did drop the lawsuit against those nice black panthers turning away voters at the polls.

    And they tried their best to get terrorists to have US Citizen rights in court. But those damned peon masses put up to much of a fuss about it. They need to do something about those people, thinking they have rights and all.

  3. Hey Will!,

    Just returned from Prague. You gotta go before you die. Beautiful girls, all the beer you can drink and the smoking nazi's are only just now getting started.

    I swear to god it's one of the last free countries on the face of the earth!

  4. I like Obama, wd. But ya' gotta face it here. He's a politician. If he and his staff determine that going after the C.I.A. will hurt him politically (i.e., make him look "weak on terror"), then he isn't going to do it. I mean, I hate to be so cynical about it but, yeah, that more than likely what's happening here.

  5. Welcome back, Volt. It's always good to hear from you (if for no other reason that you make me look moderate LOL).......It sounds like you got an eye-full there, bra. I'd like to go but I'm just not a major fan of air travel. It shouldn't be a problem, though. I saw a program recently in which this scientist (? LOL) said that very soon we'll be able to have computers implanted that will give us whatever virtual reality we want. I will definitely put Prague on my to-do list, bra.

  6. Voltron, just a curiosity, as I have no idea how long you were in Prague but...

    Since you like Prague so much, would you be interested in moving there for say 2 years, get a job and act there as you normally would here. It's one thing to be a tourist, but a resident?

    I'm truly curious to see if you would think of it as being as free as you say when you got back...if they let you out at all.

    I'm just sayin'...

  7. Voltron said: "Beautiful girls, all the beer you can drink and the smoking nazi's are only just now getting started."

    The closest thing to smoking nazis are smokers themselves, who love to force others to smoke against their will. Sociopathic slobs, the lot of 'em.

    One of them set fire to the landscaping of a restaurant a visit a lot, a few weeks ago.

    Stiff fines for smoking in public places are a no-brainer. Smoking is a personal choice, not something to force others to participate in.

  8. And if the owner of a restaurant or bar wished to cater to smokers that should be his right as well wouldn't it dmarks?

    After all, it's HIS money he's got invested in it.

    Your conservative mask is slipping.

    You have freedom of choice in the establishments you visit.

  9. And CDM?

    In a heartbeat.

    But alas, they have pretty restrictive permanent residency requirements. I've looked into it.

  10. And I'm actively trying to find a way I can retire to there.

  11. "...if they let you out at all."

    You DO know the communist government there fell in 1989 right? They are now and have been a very democratic/capitalist nation.

    It isn't quite as hedonistic and wild now as it was in the early 90's, but it's still a pretty open and free country.

  12. I have mixed feelings about the smoking issue. As a nonsmoker who cannot stand the smell of smoke, I kind of like the fact that I don't have to smell it anymore in restaurants, etc.. BUT, there's also a part of me that agrees with Volt and that we should let the market-place decide it; with some establishments allowing it and others not.

  13. Voltron: "And if the owner of a restaurant or bar wished to cater to smokers that should be his right as well wouldn't it dmarks?"

    It's a matter of health and safety and cleanliness. Like having rat feces in your restaurants. And the conditions are quite unsafe for the employees.

    "Your conservative mask is slipping."

    I do support health and safety regulations for restaurants.

    "You have freedom of choice in the establishments you visit."

    I don't see why unsafe should be one of the choices.

    Do you think restauranteurs should be able tap people on the head with baseball bats? Their choice, right? And less dangerous than forcing them to smoke.

    Or why can't they serve dinners with rat feces? Customers can choose, right?


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