Thursday, June 30, 2011

Calling Ji Ji Jimmy Stewart

If I could be the benevolent dictator of America for several months or so, one of the things that I would definitely do would be filibuster reform. I just think that it's unconscionable that 41 Senators (and in certain instances, just one) can literally hold the entire nation's business hostage. I mean, yes, I understand that one of the Senate's functions is to serve as slow/cool things down a tad but, in my opinion, 60 is much, much, too strong of a threshold. I would a) lower that threshold to 55 and b) actually require that a filibuster BE A FILIBUSTER (yes, folks, I would actually make them talk!). That way, you know, things in Washington....might actually get done!.................................................................................................P.S. Yes, I understand. The filibuster has been a part of our political system since the country's inception. I get it and I appreciate it. But the fact that it has recently been used so casually has really soured me on it. A little bit of inertia at times - yes. A constant and never ending stalemate/flood of it - not so much.

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