Monday, June 13, 2011

The People's Choice/Degenerate

For somebody who didn't want to talk about Weiner, huh?....Seriously, though, I still can't comprehend why we're singling this fellow out. Gary Studds skated. Barney Frank skated. David Vitter skated. Larry Craig skated. Hell, folks, even that miserable piece of trash, Ensign, skated for a while. Why, pray tell, do we have to throw this poor sap's carcass to the wolves all of a sudden?.........................................................................................................Actually, folks, Chris Matthews probably came up with the best suggestion. Yes, have Mr. Weiner resign. But then, allow him to enter the special election that Governor Cuomo will presumably have to call for. That way, it WILL BE up to his constituents (this, I'm saying, as opposed to Pelosi, Cantor, the media, etc.). Democracy - I mean, come on, isn't that how we're supposed to settle these things? God!


  1. I am afraid that we settle these things by who can raise the most money...philosophy and peccadilloes aside.

  2. Name the first dem who will co-sponsor a bill with Weiner.
    Name the first dem who will have a fund raiser for Weiner.
    Name the first dem who will campaign for Weiner.

  3. Its time for Little Anthony leave congress and reunite with the Imperials.

  4. Sickening isn't it, Jerry?............As for Mr. Weiner, all that I can say is that what Gary Studds did was far, FAR, worse. And he went on to a 20 year career in the House.

  5. It's time for the Boner to step down as speaker of the House. What an incredible failure he has been in that position! He promised a "jobs agenda" but was clearly lying. ZERO jobs bills have been introduced since the Republicans regained control of the House!

    And what about his sex scandals? Looks like he is going to skate Will.

    The Boner cheats on his wife with two women and the "liberal media" totally ignores it, while they refuse to stop hounding Anthony Weiner... a guy whose sex scandal involved NO sex!

    Voltron worries about "blackmail" from foreign entities... Boner slept with a female lobbyist... maybe she thought she might get some legislation her employer wanted passed championed by the Boner?

  6. Russ, wd, I'm going to let you guys battle it out on the partisan political front. Me, I'm looking at this Weiner thing strictly according to one principle; fairness. Mr. Studds had sex with an underage page. Mr. Vitter went to several prostitutes. Neither of these individuals had to resign. And what they did was significantly worse. Again, if it were up to me, I'd tell Pelosi, Cantor, the media, "PISS OFF!!".

  7. Will, you're not willing to say anything that might offend Rusty?

    I was watching Rachel Maddow last night when she reminded her viewers that it was Boehner who handed out checks from big tobacco on the House floor back in 1995.

    This is far worse than the bad judgment Anthony Weiner is guilty of... it is actual corruption! Why is the Boner now Speaker of the House... while Anthony Weiner is forced to resign? It makes no sense.

  8. "Boner" has introduced jobs bills. One was the bill to stop Obama from destroying healthcare. Obama's bill will force companies to fire people. Any bill that forces companies to give unearned gifts to employees always does that.

  9. The Republican legislation that repealed the Affordable Care Act did not do that. In any case it had zero chance of being passed by the Senate or signed by the president. ZERO jobs bills have been introduced or passed in the House under the Boner's leadership.

    The Boner should step down.

    The Affordable Care Act is still in effect. Is health care going to be destroyed?

  10. The Affordable Care Act will create health insurance jobs. They will have several million more people to handle. Seems like it is a job creation bill for the health insurance industry to me.

  11. I hope that the plan works, guys. I just fear the fact that with so many exemptions and with so many states opting out, and the penalty for not buying insurance so much less than the actual insurance (a lot of people, I think, will simply wait 'til their sick to purchase it), there could in fact be some issues down the road.......And, besides, Romneycare in MA has so far gone WAY over budget.

  12. "WAY over budget" is a bit of an exageration.

    Claims that the law is "bankrupting" the state are greatly exaggerated. Costs rose more quickly than expected in the first few years, but are now in line with what the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation had estimated.

    And further down in the reference article it says:

    "Costs for the subsidies did grow more than was expected at first. More people signed up for subsidized insurance more quickly than officials predicted..."

    In other words, it was more popular than people expected. And that is bad?!?

  13. That's interesting, Jerry. And factcheck is definitely a credible source. I'm still worried about the fact that so many exemptions have been given out and quite a few doctors themselves don't seem to like it (a survey by Investors Business Daily and another by the Medicus Firm have said that as many as 45% of doctors will either leave the profession or retire early because of this bill - who knows, maybe they're simply blowing smoke). Like I said, though, I DO want it to work.......Oh, and, yes, I also think that the penalties for noncompliance should be stiffer - this, to prevent people from just paying the fine and only buying insurance when they finally become sick.


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