Sunday, June 12, 2011

Look Who's Coughing Now

It's over, folks. The Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat in game 6 (and, yes, hence, the series as well, 4-2) of the NBA playoffs, 105-95. Can you people frigging say, karma?


  1. I can say "karma", although I have no idea why I would. Did the Miami Heat cough? Is that bad for your karma? Give us a clue.

  2. Like Earvin said yesterday 10 always beats 3.

  3. I had always thought that James was a pretty decent kid. But, now, with this whole Miami experiment, I'm not so sure anymore.

  4. The CDM: NBA = *YAWN*

    I agree completely. Actually I'd say all sports are boring, not just the NBA.

  5. The NBA has turned into a freakshow of "who can slam dunk the most" and "what new prospect can we get to NOT go to college, first".

    There used to be a rule that you couldn't touch the rim of the basket, now you are expected to.

    Asking these jokers to actually shoot from a distance??? Over half the NBA's rosters would be without a job.

  6. You obviously didn't see the last 2 games, CDM (or Steve Nash, or Ray Allen, or Manu Ginobli) . The Mavericks shot an astonishing % from the 3-point distance.......I agree with you on the whole pro/college thing, though. Right now, a prospect has to go to college (or to Europe) for at least one year. But a lot of them only stay for that one year and end up with only about 6-9 credits. I say that they should either make them stay at least 2 years or don't make them wait at all. Enough already with this whole dog and pony show.

  7. No, I didn't Will and you were only able to mention 3 players. Says a lot, don't you agree? It's sad how they do business these days. They sure as hell don't want me in charge.


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