Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Miscellaneous 73

1) I don't think that I've ever seen anybody who could jump the gun quite as quickly as this Breitbart guy. He did it with ACORN. He did it with Shirley Sherrard. And now he's doing it with Congressman Weiner (yeah, there ARE questions, but Breitbart was basically sliming Weiner the other night). When, folks, are the Media going to wise up and finally smother this fellow? Enough already!!............2) Look out, "Jersey Shore", the "Mob Wives" are closing in on you....Seriously, though, have you seen this crap? Ugh. I mean, no, it's not quite as titillating as "Jeresy Shore" but, STILL, the stupidity and shamelessness of it, MAN! It's almost as if I'm listening to some douche-bag telling me, "I'm flat-out embarrassed to be human, for Christ!" Seriously!!............3) I don't mean to be judgmental, folks, and, no, unless you actually walk in the shoes of that person, you really CAN'T judge them. But, still, Paris Hilton's parents, Lindsay Lohan's parents (the father especially is a piece of work), Britney Spears's parents, don't you think that maybe, just maybe, they could have done a little better? I mean, I know that there are a lot of factors that "shape" us and all, and that it ISN'T always the fault of the parents but, come on here! Have you seen some of these "parental figures"? Robert Young in "Father Knows Best" or Bill Cosby in "The Cosby Show", THEY AIN'T!!!!!............4) How 'bout this, folks? Instead of "media whore", you use "blatant opportunist"? That way, you a) get your point across and b) basically retain your own integrity. Win-win!


  1. This whole "Weinergate" situation is SO obviously in retaliation for Democrat Kathy Hochul's win in NY-26. If you recall a special election had to be called for this seat after Republican Chris Lee resigned because he sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman through Craigslist.

    I have NO DOUBT that the Weiner photo was sent by a Republican operative looking for paypack. I seriously doubt anyone (even a Republican) would do anything this stupid after the Christopher Lee situation. Anthony Weiner did NOT tweet this photo, whatever Rusty says (and I think he knows it).

    Regarding Breitbart... I think that whatever he says it can be assured that there is an element of deception involved. The guy is a known liar. It baffles my mind that the MSM is still willing to listen to him.

    Will: Seriously, though, have you seen this crap?

    No, I have not. I have no plans to either.

    Being an "opportunist" does not necessarily sound like a bad thing to me. Actually, if you see an opportunity and grab it... I think that's commendable... what Palin is doing is not commendable.

  2. As far as Jersey shore and the likes of those show, they can all go to hell for all I care...and I am judgemental with good reason and unapologetic about it, it's how I roll. Speaking of that, it brings me to another point.

    The use of certain terms by certain people should be determined by how they naturally conduct themselves. You wouldn't be able to get Don Rickles to use "softer language" and tell him it would be a win-win for doing so, not gonna happen.

    Some folks just have aggressive personalities and senses of humor and asking them to change wouldn't be acceptable. Now, if someone conducts themselves in a more cordial manner then, there ya go.

    Bottom line, language is determined by the person's every day usage in accordance to their personality.

    My .02

  3. I'll also add this, when you go on to an opposing view points blog, in a sense, you are on their property and you should conduct yourself differently. I've seen opposing viewpoints on both sides visit each others blogs and in the end, no one will listen to the other and it turns into an insult exchange.

    I've been on opposing viewpoint blogs before and I word thigs very carefully and if I get attacked, I just let it happen. It's the price you pay for being on someone else's turf.

  4. Breitbart has no core credibility.

    Salon has already posted a rather complete story of how his sources were tainted/unreliable from the beginning.

    Further... you cannot hack a Tweeter account?? C'mon.... the whole thing smacks of a set-up... and, as the saying goes, "that is the best you can do?"

  5. "Salon has posted a complete story." Well that ends it then.If an impartial site like Salon says something,you know it true and reliable.Story's over...done...kaput.

  6. wd, that's why I added the word, "blatant" - to differentiate it from good/resourceful opportunism.......You're right, CDM. And for that reason, I'll probably stay away from Sue's blog. I'm sorry, but that "classless piece of excrement" line by Leslie Parsley really put me over the edge.......okjimm (welcome), Rusty. This is a totally uninteresting story to me. While Mr. Weiner's brand of liberalism isn't my brand of liberalism, I could give a rat's ass as to what transpires on his Twitter account. Though in one regard, yes, I do agree with Rusty - the guy doesn't know if there are naked pictures of his floating around out there? WHATEVER, I guess.

  7. Breitbart says he has more pictures (yea, right) but, in regards to the ONE picture that this story concerns... it isn't of someone who is naked.

    I don't know how you can agree with Rusty when you aren't even clear what the specifics of the story are.

  8. Is it a picture of a penis or not (I can't believe that I'm talking about this and, PLEASE, don't make me google it)?

  9. I don't have any close-up pictures of me in my underwear, wd. Do you?

  10. While everyone east of the Mississippi is all atwitter that little Anthony Weiner allegedly posted pictures of his junk on twitter,something much more positive for society transpired.

    The state of Florida's courageous Republican governor Rick Scott signed a bill into law that requires any applicant for welfare be drug tested.Oh,I'm sure liberals will be up in arms over this,but if it keeps one of them from laying on the couch watching Sponge Bob while getting high off the public teat I say hip hip hooray to Gov.Scott.

  11. That Snooki is one hideous loooking woman.

    You do need to put all this together guys and it's pretty obvious it's a sham. A guy named "Wiener" having his wiener tweeted? Actually, it sounds like something we'd like to get our wives to do. Hey baby. How's about tweetin my wiener tonight.

  12. It's a picture of a bulge. A face, or any other means of identifying who it is, is not shown.

    Rusty, that bill Rick Scott signed is a giveaway to his buddies in the drug testing industry. Rick Scott himself owns one of these drug testing companies. He champions and signs a bill that will make him millions of dollars personally... while at the same time he's crying about the budget?

    I say the guy is corrupt... and a blatant opportunist. This is outright theft of taxpayer money. This doofus should be shown the door the next time he comes up for election. I doubt the voters will stand for this.

    Also, the law violates the 4th amendment and is unconstitutional. The ACLU is suing. A similar law was overturned in the past. I think it is likely that this one will be too.

    BTW, have you heard about Chris "Extra Crispy" Christy ("Extra Crispy" is in reference to how he likes his KFC)? This lard-ass spent 3144 taxpayer dollars to take the state helicopter to his son's baseball game and a GOP fundraiser. Mr. Fiscal Conservative has since been shamed into reimbursing the state.

    (Taking a swipe at someone because of their weight is not something I would ordinarily do... but I imagine this is how Rusty would phrase it if Christy were a Democrat).

  13. Russ, I was, and continue to be, in favor of welfare reform. But to randomly drug-test welfare recipients, just because they're welfare recipients and for no other apparent reason, that's a bridge too far, my friend.............Truth, per usual, you speak the truth. Me, I wouldn't tough that Snooki bimbo for all the tea in China. Eeeee!!!............It's probably not good for ratings, wd, but I definitely gotta agreed with you here. On a dumbness scale of 1-10, Mr. Christie taking that helicopter and then a limo 100 yards is a solid 9 and some change.

  14. Will,you did'nt quite understand the Florida bill.It does'nt do random drug testing of welfare recipients.Any "new" applicant for welfare must get drug tested,big difference.
    And once again WD tries to make up his own facts.Gov.Scott does not own a drug testing company.He sold all his stock in a medical concern before he took office.
    And,the law does not violate the 4th.If they were doing random testing I'd say they had a problem but not with new applicants.Just about any company in America does drug testing on new employee's,including fire and police departments.Most businesses also do random testing if there's probable cause.

  15. I'm sorry Rusty, but you're wrong. The Saint Petersburg Times asks, "If you have a $62 million investment, representing the biggest single chunk of your $218 million in wealth, and you put it in a trust under your wife's name, does that mean you're no longer involved in the company?".

    Rick Scott didn't sell "all his stock in a medical concern before he took office". Also, many of Scott's campaign contributions come from the drug testing industry. This is a clear conflict of interest.

    Rick Scott is another corrupt Republican who is using government to enrich himself. What he did may not be technically illegal, but it clearly should be.

  16. It certainly sounds like a conflict of interest to me. I, though, would have said that "Rick Scott is another corrupt POLITICIAN who is using government to enrich himself." By pointing out that Scott is a Republican, you seem to be implying that the Dems are somehow inherently more moral the Republicans. Humans are humans in my book.


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