Thursday, June 2, 2011

Look, They Got ME on a Palin Kick Now!

Another thing that I noticed about Palin is that, instead of making lemonade out of lemons, she makes lemons out of lemonade. Let me give you some examples here. Remember when David Letterman made that smug/vile/idiotic joke about Palin's daughter getting knocked up by A-Rod? Yeah, huh? Well, THAT, folks, in my opinion, would have been a grand opportunity for her to show some class/restraint. But she couldn't frigging do it!! She had to respond with bazookas; basically implying that Mr. Letterman was a child predator....Me here, damn - I was practically yelling at the boob-tube, telling her to "SHUT UP!!".........................................................................................................And then there were the Arizona shootings. In my opinion, Mrs. Palin had every right to be mad at people like Paul Krugman and Markos Moulitsas (what a stoogely gem he is, huh?) for implying that she was in any way responsible (weapons metaphors are bad but profane female metaphors aren't - nice, huh?) for this atrocity. But, yet again, instead of toning it down and trying to be statesmanlike, SHE MADE IT ALL ABOUT HERSELF! I mean, really, did she simply not know that there were grieving families out there? Dumb, dumb, exceedingly dumb........................................................................................................I guess what I'm trying to say here, folks, is that Palin quickly needs to learn that you don't/shouldn't swing for the fences with EVERY SINGLE PLATE APPEARANCE. Sometimes, yes, it AOK to simply move the runner.


  1. Bah. Palin makes great soap opera. If she acted rationally we would never talk about her.

  2. PK and MM implied that SP was responsible for the shooting of GG??? As far as I know that is not true. It isn't a matter of opinion regarding whether or not this happened. It did NOT happen. Also, the last time this came up here I told just that... so why do you keep repeating false information?

    Regarding DL's joke, I give it my thumbs up. It's always funny when you stick it to a hypocrite. Which is what a family values Republican with a teen daughter who gets knocked up by her teen boyfriend is.

    A teen mom who publicly advocates sexual abstinence for unmarried teens, and is now a PAID SPEAKER on the subject of teen pregnancy is a hypocrite. The fact that she's accepting money to advocate against the exact thing that she did cements it.

    Alternet asks, "What's the point of being a non-profit spokesperson if you're not actually helping anyone? Oh, right, to rake in exorbitant amounts of dough. ...that's what happened in 2009 with Bristol Palin, who was compensated an astonishing 7X more than her non-profit, Candie's Foundation, donated to teen pregnancy prevention".

    For shame Bristol Palin! I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Also, C&L reveals that SP, "Slashed Funding For Teen Pregnancy Programs". C&L asks, "Mrs. Palin throws her full support behind her own pregnant, unwed teen daughter, but it's tough sh*t for all the other girls?".

    I say, "good question". I thought this was the "family values" and "right to life" party, yet they seem only to care about these babies up until right after they are born. Personally I'm sick of the disgusting hypocrisy.

    Sarah Palin DID make the DL debacle all about herself. She deliberately misinterpreted DL's joke, saying he meant a younger daughter, instead of the older pregnant one his joke was an obvious reference to. DL did nothing other than his job.

    Late night talk show hosts always pounce when a politician does something untoward. IMO DL's joke was not smug, vile, or idiotic. It was top-notch. I laughed heartily.

  3. Immediately after the shooting, Mr. Krugman wrote something to the effect of, "Are you satisfied now Mrs. Palin." And so, too, did Mouwhatever. Add to that the fact that Mouwhatever also allowed an add to run on the DailyKos for a t-shirt with Palin's face in the cross-hairs. Dude, this "progressives never do or say anything wrong" mindset of yours is really starting to scare me. I mean, don't get me wrong here. I've met a lot of true believers before...BUT NOTHING, NOTHING LIKE THIS!............Really, you think that that joke was funny? My God, even if it was the older daughter that Letterman was talking about, she was a fucking teenager when she got knocked up. A person who got pregnant CAN'T argue for abstinence? Oh, so does that mean that a former drug addict can't counsel present day addicts - because he or she is a hypocrite? Dude, your hatred is consuming you.

  4. When a politician does something untoward - go to a ballgame?

  5. Palin you're giving advice to regarding what she needs to do to get back into the country's good graces, even though it incredibly apparent she will do no nothing except continue with the very things you're criticizing her for in this post.

    Markos Moulitsas, on the other hand, you believe should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. Why the double standard?

    MM may have over-reacted a tad, but I'm guessing he was in shock, like a lot of people. Anyway, the gist of what he said is true. Nobody said Palin was directly responsible, only that her rhetoric contributed to the "Climate of Hate".

    That, by the way, was the title of Paul Krugman's article. In this article he does NOT say "Are you satisfied now Mrs. Palin". On that you've got your facts wrong. Anyway, I just re-read the article and agree with it completely.

    In regards to Bristol Palin, you have no problem with her working for a "charity" and receiving a salary higher than what that "charity" spent on its cause?

    I say the Palins are a family of grifters. Sarah Palin was a corrupt governor and now she's a con artist thieving from gullible admirers. And apparently the younger daughter Willow is a homophobe. This entire family sickens me.

  6. I would say that probably 80% of America's 14 year-olds have probably used the word, F_____t at least once in their life (is that the word that she used?).............I'll admit it. Guys like MM and Olbermann tend to irritate me more. Partly BECAUSE THEY'RE SMARTER. They should frigging know better! And I agree with you (and Krugman), Palin has been divisive/used inflammatory rhetoric. But for the progressives to constantly single out this one boob and ignore their own transgressions is really bothersome to me. I'm sorry.

  7. Palin uses that kind of language due to the fact that she's an educational failure. She took 6 years on a 4 year degree(in communications) and went to 6 different schools to get it. On top of that, she refuses to release her transcripts.

    Me? I'm proud of mine and would love to compare.

  8. CDM, I think that it was Willow, the middle daughter, who used that term. I mean, sure, maybe she learned it from her mother. I suspect, though, that she learned it at school.......As for the mother's intellectual prowess (or lack, thereof), I've admitted that it was of a middling nature, AT BEST. I've even called her an idiot when irritated. Classless piece of excrement - no, I've never gone that far.


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