Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yes, A Rigid Philosophy, Immutable Opinions, Etc.

What would be my answer to the question, "So, is there anything that the "progressives" and right-wing actually have in common, in your opinion?"


  1. Progressives and conservatives are on opposite ends of the spectrum. We are so different in every way, I don't think I can name one issue we agree on. Well, both sides claim to be patriotic but they'll also call each other liars on that one! I think the middle has disappeared Will.

  2. I agree, Sue. There are no agreements on the issues. My point is that neither side a) sees nuance, b) adjusts its viewpoints when contradictory evidence avails itself, c) is EVER willing to compromise, and d) treats the other with respect.......Oh, and neither side likes moderates (probably the only thing that Ann Coulter and wd agree on), either.

  3. Nuance is the red headed step-child of American politics these days, only fools believe the issues are totally black and white. Making things worse we have adopted a zero sum attitude where for "A" to win "B" must be totally destroyed.

  4. What frustrates me, double b (and, yeah, I'll admit it, the Republicans have been worse the past couple of years), is when somebody tries to put forth a compromise and it gets totally shot down. Like when Senator Schumer suggested that we let the Bush era tax-cuts expire, but only on people who make over a million a year. I remember hearing that plan and thinking, BOOM, there's the solution. Only to see that it was immediately shot down.


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