Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Miscellaneous 62

1) O'Reilly came out with an absolutely ludicrous analogy the other day. In his defense of Congressman King's upcoming probe (some may prefer to call it a witch-hunt and/or circus) into the American Muslim community (ostensibly to gauge the level/amount of radicalism), O'Reilly brought up Robert Kennedy's beat-down of the mafia and asked his guest (yet another docile liberal), "So, was that unfair to the Italian-American community?"...Duh, huh? It's like, NO BILL, it wasn't unfair. What would have been unfair was if Mr. Kennedy had targeted the entire Italian-American community, checking THEM for Mafia connections.............2) Did you see any of that Newt Gingrich interview on CBN? Pretty unbelievable, huh? I mean, I simply couldn't believe it. The frigging guy actually had the audacity to say that one of the reasons for his extramarital affairs was the fact that this great love of his for his country distracted him and CAUSED HIM to make these bad decisions. I mean, talk about some major chutzpah, huh?....Him and to the bottom-lands, apparently.............3) Sarah Palin evidently thinks that crass comedienne, Kathy Griffin, is a bully (a 50 year-old bully, no less - Palin obviously with a dig of her own there). She's especially mad at Ms. Griffin for the jokes that she tells about her, Palin's, 16 year-old daughter, Willow. Of course, what Palin doesn't confide here is the fact that this 16 year-old daughter tweeted the word, faggot (a frequently used bullying word itself), or that Kathy Griffin herself is a staunch advocate for the gay, lesbian, and transgender community. I mean, please, don't get me wrong here. If it were totally up to me, I'd frigging keep the kids out of it, too. But when you have a daughter who shows such insensitivity....and who you've been basically parading around for two and a half years now, you do have to expect a little bit of blow-back on occasion.

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