Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Little Less From Moore, Please

Alright, here's an example of Mr. Moore's rather shoddy/slanted advocacy. At the beginning of his movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11", he makes this humongous deal about the Bin Laden family being escorted out of the country by the Bush administration. And he does it totally laced with innuendo (that the Bushes and the Bin Ladens were joined at the hip or something), too. Well, guess what - the 9/11 Commission found that there was nothing to complain about here; either in the timing or the arrangement of the flights. IN FACT, folks, Michael Moore darling, Richard Clarke - he's the one who actually arranged for these "suspicious" flights. OOOOOOPS!!!.......................................................................................................And then there was that whole ridiculous set-up about prewar Iraq; all those little kids high flying their kites and shit. I mean, frigging Moore made it sound like a frigging paradise, for Christ! It's like, what, he's never once heard about the torture chambers, the fact that Mr. Hussein perpetrated genocide on the Kurds?.......................................................................................................And, please, keep in mind here, folks, I was (and continue to be) OPPOSED to the Iraq War (and, yes, I continue to be proud of the fact that opposed it PRIOR to people like Biden, Kerry, and Clinton). My problem with Mr. Moore is all about integrity; the fact that he 1) lies and 2) is a bald-faced hypocrite (the fact that he supports unions but won't hire union stage hands, the fact that he supports affirmative action but rarely hires minorities, the fact that he rails against capitalism but has owned stocks such as Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Sunoco, and even Halliburton, the fact that he stresses the importance of the rich paying their fair share and then hires expensive accountants to exploit every loophole to reduce his own burden, etc.). In my opinion, folks, while he does at times serve a decent function (as a muckraker, I'm saying), to hold this guy up as an absolute hero is totally ridiculous.


  1. Mike Moore showing up in Wisconsin was the worst thing for the unions.

  2. I, too, sometimes find Moore an irritating self-righteous egotist. If corporate media covered him as much as the irritating self-righteous egotist, and far more ignorant, Twit of the Tundra, I would be more sympathetic with your position.

    At least Moore does not have a weekday program on a "news" channel... If the corporate media were as liberal as the Right claims it is, then that would be the case. But there is no 24/7 liberal media, unlike the voice of the radical Right, FOX(R).

    Unlike Moore, you have the 9/11 commission to reference. Did you know both the Bush and bin-Laden families were involved in the Carlyle Group, if not "joined at the hip"? And BTW, Clarke WAS part of the Bush Administration, remember? Do you also remember Clarke was marginalized out of cabinet meetings because he insisted on passing on Clinton's warnings about al-Qaeda? War mongering neo-cons pushing for an invasion on Iraq, on the other hand...Well the rest is history.

    Clarke was the only person with enough integrity to apologize to America for the government's pre-9/11 failures. Why shouldn't that make him Moore's, and every American's, "darling"?

    So Moore gets a couple things wrong and we need less of him. How about FOX(R)? Or are they protected free speech corporate "press" and somehow Moore's speech is not as free?

  3. Hang in, Dave. My next post will include a blistering criticism of Fox News' Bill O'Reilly......And the fact that Bush (who, I agree, was bottom 5 President) and the Bin Laden's were both "involved" in the Carlyle Group really proves nothing. I mean, you've got Soros and Cheney both involved in Halliburton, right?......I agree, double b. All that Mr. Moore tends to do is inflame things.


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