Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yes, Dudes, We DO Play Football, Too

What is it with UConn running backs and the sporting press? Two years ago, Donald Brown led the entire nation in rushing with 2,083 yards and 18 touchdowns, and he didn't even make the top ten in the final Heisman Trophy voting. Worse than that, he didn't even finish in the top three for the Doak Walker Award (to the best running back in college football)....Oh, and, yeah, he did all of this on a team that basically couldn't throw the ball to save themselves (opposing defenses obviously being able to focus on him)..........................................................................................................Well, guess what - it's happening all over again. UConn junior running back, Jordan Todman is currently second in the nation in rushing (148.1 yards a game). The fellow has a total of 1,481 yards and 14 touchdowns (this, despite having missed one game and being banged up in several others). And, yes, he, like Mr. Brown, plays on a team that struggles mightily in the passing game. All of this and he didn't even make it in the TOP TEN(!!!!!) of the Walker voting. I mean, I know that it's hard to get outraged over a football story (you know, with everything else that's been going on) but, still, what, I ask you, does a UConn running back gotta do to get some love here? Run for President of the United States or something?


  1. There is no joy in redneck land today as the University of South Carolina Gamecocks got defeathered and fried last night. Strangely enough, I am very happy right now.

  2. I read the title and first sentence and a half (up to the comma) of your post and got no further because I found I was too bored with what I was reading to continue.

    I was mildly interested in knowing who the "dudes" are that play football but believe "we" (whoever "we" are) do not.

    Instead of reading any further however, I'm going to assume the answer is as incredibly boring as the 1.5 sentences I did read.

  3. Typical. I was born in Connecticut and understand how we Connecticutters have been disrespected for 48 years now.

    Even Whirling Dervish disses on us man.

    Whirling Dervish. Who'da thunk Whirling Dervish.


  4. Man, this shit is getting just plain ugly.

    Whatever happens at Sue's....doesn't stay at Sue's

  5. Truth, I had no idea Will's post had anything to do with Connecticut because I didn't read it. I have no interest in sports... period. It's all incredibly boring.

    I don't have anything against Connecticut, so no reason to diss the state.

  6. It could get uglier, gentlemen. While, yes, it's great that we're (UConn) going to the BCS this year, the bad news is that we're probably going to have to play Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Can ya'll say blowout?


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