Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Paul Bunyan's Axe"

What would be my answer to the question, "So, of all of these college football rivalry trophies (this one going to the winner of the annual Minnesota/Wisconsin game), which of them, in your opinion, is the coolest one?".......................................................................................................P.S. A close second would have to be the "Keg of Nails" (this one to the annual winner of the Louisville/Cincinnati game).


  1. Up until this very second I was blissfully unaware that these trophies existed. I'm not going to Google for an answer, seeing as I have ZERO interest in the matter... but I wouldn't be surprised if you were making these up. "Paul Buyan's Axe"? "Keg of Nails"??? Sounds fake to me.

  2. I also like the "Old Oaken Bucket" (to the winner of Purdue and Indiana)

  3. Ditto, the "Beehive Boot" (to the winner of the Utah/Utah State/BYU round-robin).

  4. How about the "Acorn of Wo Mai", the "Armet by Wayland", the "Claw of Mighty Simurgh", or the "Hammer of Gesen"? Those are pretty cool sounding too.

  5. Dungeons and Dragons wd?

    LOL, get out of your mom's
    basement much?

  6. Cool as cool can be, wd......I gotta confess, Volt. There are clearly times when I don't want to leave the house, either - especially if I have a "Six of Beer" or "Game to Watch".

  7. I haven't played D&D for over 10 years, and my mother's house doesn't have a basement (just a crawlspace). Those trophy names do sound similar to the D&D artifact names though.

    I wouldn't be embarrassed if I did still play, however. It's certainly a lot more fun than watching football.

  8. "Keg of Nails"

    Frankly the only kegs I have some knowledge of contain a wonderous liquid that is very often brought to football games.

    Will, I wish I could forget that Carolina-Clemson game Saturday even though I fully expected the outcome.

  9. There's a lot of talent on that Clemson team, double b. But for whatever reason, they just can't seem to put it together under coach Swinney....He is a great recruiter, though. According to, Clemson currently has the #5 best recruiting class so far for the 2011 seasn. Hopefully this loss to SC won't be causing this kids to bail en masse.


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