Friday, November 26, 2010

The Battle-Lines are Being Somethinged

To those of you who think that all of the invective comes from the right, this I share. "I have good news to report; Glenn Beck appears closer to suicide - I'm hoping that he does it on camera; suicide is rampant in his family, and given his alcoholism and his tendencies toward self-destruction, I am only hoping that when Glenn Beck does put a gun to his head and pulls the trigger, that it will be on television, because somebody will capture it on YouTube and it will be the most popular video for months."...This little ditty, folks, comes courtesy of left-wing radio host, Mike Malloy....So......


  1. The raging idiots passing as pundits and media personalities are going to send us all to Hell. And here I was thinking for years it would be the lawyers and accountants.

  2. I can't say I'd be sad if Beck killed himself... I haven't a clue why he would, however. His scam has paid off handsomely. I'd imagine he's very happy, unless he's concerned about the fact that he's going straight to hell when he dies*. In either case I'm sure he'd want to stay alive as long as possible.

    Who are the "those of you who think that all of the invective comes from the right"? It isn't me, that's for sure. The Left, I believe is more upset than ever -- after this last election, and taking into account the growing disappointement with the Obama administration.

    I know Mike Malloy is fed up, and I can't say I disagree with him. Although I think he's probably just venting... who would actually want to see that? In any case, Mike Malloy speaks his mind, and for that I admire him.

    (* That would be God's call, not mine... but I think it's likely).

  3. These marginal pundits with few listeners or viewers have to make silly statements like this Malloy person in order to get any sort of notice at all.I mean who has even heard of Mike Malloy? Where millions know who Beck is.I think the success of Rush,Hannity,Beck,Ingraham and O'Reilly drive the libs crazy...they have no one at all to match them.They thought they had a winner with Air America but 24-7 of hate Bush proved to be a failure and it went down in flames.

  4. You can't say that you disagree with Malloy, wd? Seriously, you'd like to watch as this poor fellow blow his brains out? Wow. How 'bout just root for his rating to slip instead?

  5. Will, I do NOT want GB to "blow his brains out" or for someone else to kill him. I'd MUCH rather he was exposed as a fraud a-la the Lonesome Rhodes character in "A Face in the Crowd". THAT would be freaking awesome.

    What I said was that I don't disagree with Mike Malloy -- regarding his level of frustration. Anyway, suicide would be the easy way out. I'm sure that MM, being an atheist, would agree -- meaning MM would rather GB pay for his crimes in this life, as he doesn't believe in an afterlife.

    I think what you're taking exception to is satire. MM has also postulated that Dick Cheney stays alive by drinking the blood of babies. Obviously he knows this isn't a fact.

    Anyway, I'll admit that Mr. Malloy is a bit extreme, and while I agree with his level of frustration and a lot of the points he makes, he doesn't represent my way of thinking. I only listen to him occasionally.

    I prefer Thom Hartmann. He believes there are principled conservatives, and has intelligent respectful debates with them on his program.

  6. I have no use for Beck, wd. I don't even know if he's being serious or playing a fast one on us. But in my mind what Mr. Malloy said was way over the line.....I agree with you on Hartmann, btw. While I haven't seen him a lot, on the times that I have seen him, he seems like a reasonable chap.

  7. Is'nt it a bit mysterious that Barack Obama and Steve Urkel have never been seen together? Hmmmm!!!!

  8. I've seen them both play basketball, Russ. They are definitely 2 different dudes. LOL


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