Friday, November 5, 2010

Jon Stewart NAILING IT!!

"You can't defeat Fox by becoming what they say you are. The only way you can defeat them is by an earned credibility, not an earned partisanship. They're (MSNBC) making a mistake by becoming an equivalent to Fox rather than a brand new journalistic organization."


  1. What a week! First the election results! Then Olbermann gets canned (again!)Then HBO forces Maher to have Bill O'Reilly as a guest!

  2. If Maddow and Shultz have any nerve at all the should refuse to go on air until KO is returned.

    In fact the three of them should say f^*k MSNBC.They should leave to start their own network...a network that appeals only to liberals....a network were they could yell and show their anger 24 hours a day...hell,they would have a gigantic following..they'd have millions and millions following their every word...they could call the network Liberal wait,they could call it the Voice of the wait I've got it,they could call it Air America....yea thats it Air there's a winner.

  3. And maybe MSNBC can go back to being a credible network.

  4. I'm a big Jon Stewart fan (or I used to be), but he's DEAD WRONG about MSNBC. What he's arguing is a FALSE equivalency. They are nothing like Fox.

    Also, Air America didn't go under because of a lack of listeners. It was poorly managed, and it didn't have a billionaire like Rupert Murdock behind it... so it wasn't able to lose money for years and years until it found it's audience (unlike Fox).

    Keith isn't fired. He'll be back. Also, as Rachel Maddow pointed out on her program following Keith's suspension, Fox hosts not only donate to Repub politicians -- they host fund raisers for them (privately and on their programs), and the network gives to the Repub party directly.

    I must say I am extremely disappointed in Mr. Stewart.

  5. I just found this story which explains the real reason Keith was suspended. Turns out it's a Republican conspiracy to silence him. Not surprising considering how they just out-and-out purchased the November 2nd election.

    Buying elections? Silencing progressive newscasters? How much longer util we acknowledge the US is no longer a democracy?

  6. Its time for wd to put on the tin foil hat and await the arrival of the mother ship.

  7. I gotta take you 2 guys on the road. I mean come on, you guys are WAY more entertaining than Beck and O'Reilly.


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