Saturday, November 6, 2010

Donna Reed (The Pre "Donna Reed Show" Era)

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who, in your opinion, is the most underrated sex symbol in history?"


  1. My answer would be, "I've never thought about it, nor do I really care".

    BTW Donna Reed has been dead a LOT longer than those two other women you keep mentioning. Your profile doesn't say how old you are, but I'm guessing somewhere around 80 to 100.

    What's next? A post where you reveal that your favorite flapper was Clara Bow?

  2. Actually, wd, I much prefer Garbo to Clara Bow. This, in that she was far more adept at transitioning to the talkies....Donna Reed in that first scene in "From Here to Eternity" - WOW!!

  3. Jan Smithers who played Bailey Quarters on WKRP. Okay, thats my old teenage hormones talking but she is the only babe that comes to mind right now.

    Loni was hot but Jan had that bad girl next door thing going.

  4. We must have similar taste, double b. This, in that, yes, I, too, strongly preferred Smithers to Loni....To me at least, she seemed to have a much more subtle ferocity.


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