Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Truth About True Colors

The next two years have the potential to be very informative. I especially think that we're going to have the chance to see a) President Obama and b) the Tea Party in some very new and unique situations (potentially, I'm saying)...........................................................................................................For Mr. Obama, I especially see this in terms of "don't ask, don't tell". This, in that, clearly, after the election, even more so than now, the Democrats will surely NOT have a veto-proof majority. And, yes, me-buckos, because of this, the only way that President Obama will be able to halt, en masse, the discharges that result from the policy (yes, I know, he needs the Congress to pass a law to permanently eliminate it - but, just to halt the God-damned bleeding, I'm saying) is an executive order. Will he, my friends, have the political courage to do it? Me - I'm not entirely sure. My suspicion is that, if he thinks that it'll hurt him politically, he won't. Obviously here, I hope that I'm wrong..........................................................................................................As for the Tea Party, their big test will be if the Republicans ends up nominating Mr. Romney. Will they, as the clearly have with Mr. Obama, take the former Massachusetts Governor to task for his (let's face it here, VERY) liberal record (his hugely expensive health-care policy, in particular)? Or, folks, will they (in a move that would clearly indicate something FAR beyond politics) give him a pass? I don't know but, either way, it should be interesting, huh?


  1. Romney will NOT be "taken to task" for what he did as governor. They idolize Reagan despite the fact that he ran up the debt and granted amnesty to illegal immigrants. If you vote Republican you're either a hypocrite or a deluded sheep.

    As for DADT, I'm having serious doubts as to whether it will be repealed (or suspended) under Obama. Suspension was one of the first things he should have done upon becoming president. But, yes, he wants Congress to do it because he's worried about the political implications.

    I don't know what the point of suspending it would be unless he's certain it can be done away with during his presidency though... soldiers would still have to worry about it being reinstated under the next (possibly Republican) president.

  2. Obama can stop these unfair discharges for the next 2 (possibly 6) years. It is absolutely the right thing to do, IMO.....As for the next President overturning the order (hopefully the Congress will act in the interim), I say let him/her try. The public by then will go absolutely ballistic.


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