Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Miscellaneous 33

1) I don't always agree with Fox News's/syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer (especially so when it comes to foreign policy). But, I do have to tell you here, he did say something the other day to which I TOTALLY agree with. Mr. Krauthammer suggested that both parties AND the media come to an agreement which states that life officially begins for candidates AFTER COLLEGE. So, yeah/no, no more of this idiotic witchcraft, bearded Marxist, bowing down to "Aqua Buddha" bullshit. All candidates get a pass.....Better yet, we all get a break.....Very good suggestion there, Chuckster.......2) Considering that Kathleen Edwards actually comes from Canada, it probably shouldn't come as a surprise that the songwriting genius will, from time to time, throw into the mix a hockey metaphor. But, folks, I'm telling you here, on "I Make the Dough, You Get the Glory", damned if she didn't even surprise me/take it up another notch. The woman actually bellows out to some horseshoe-up-his-ass lover/douche-bag, "You're the 'Great One', I'm Marty McSorley." I mean, talk about some major-league sarcasm.......3) Just the other night, O'Reilly did this segment in which he asks his viewers (the tease), "Does President Obama have a trust problem with the American public?" O.K./fine, fair question.....But then I started thinking about it. Did Mr. O'Reilly ever do a similar segment on President Bush (you know, being that THAT President got us into a shitty war, racked up humongous deficits, etc.)? Hm. I personally don't recall there being one. Correct me if I'm wrong.


  1. ...Mr. Krauthammer suggested that both parties AND the media come to an agreement which states that life officially begins for candidates AFTER COLLEGE.

    FAT CHANCE, sorry I am just cynical enough to believe Chuck's statement has more to do with the republicans being overly burdened with nutcases this election cycle endangering their overall wins on this upcoming election day.

  2. Yeah, you're probably right about his motivation. Still, though, I do kinda like the idea. I mean, me - there is no way in hell that I could pass the pre-graduation test.

  3. #1
    Do we really want Aqua Buddhists, witches and others who flat-out refuse to answer questions about their past representing us in the Senate? I know I sure as hell don't.

    Sorry, I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

    Asking if President Obama has a trust problem with the American public is a fair question? I don't think so. What did O'Reilly say "The American Public" distrusts him on?

    BTW, bush didn't get us into a TWO shitty wars -- he LIED us into them.


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