Thursday, October 14, 2010

Some Quick Observations on the O'Reilly/"The View" Dust-Up

1) Behar and Goldberg were flat-out wrong to have walked off the set. It was bush-league and they really need to get a grip in the not too distant future.......2) Mr. O'Reilly should have been far more careful in his assertion that "Muslims attacked us." The man is smart enough to know that a) it was an extreme element of Islam that attacked us and b) Muslims themselves were also the victims of this terrorism.......3) I also strongly question Mr. O'Reilly's WW2 analogy; namely, how, because we never said that it was Japanese terrorists/extremists who attacked us at Pearl Harbor, we needn't have to make a similar distinction now (i.e., the one that exists between Muslims as a whole and Muslim extremists). I mean, doesn't he know that there's a huge difference, MEGA, between a specific nation and a world-wide faith? It's like, how would he like it if every time one of these bible-thumpers blew up an abortion clinic/killed an abortion doctor we called THAT an attack by Christianity? He probably wouldn't, would he?......4) I thought that Barbara Walters handled the matter quite appropriately. She both chastised her colleagues for walking off AND challenged Mr. O'Reilly's comments. It was a very prudent piece of moderation, in my opinion.


  1. Babs did handle it quite well but word is the reason Whoops and Joy walked off was that two dozen fresh donuts had just been delivered backstage.Thems two big girls.

  2. What was that old Carol King song? "I feel the earth move....

  3. Thank goodness there was'nt a bucket of KFC extra crispy or Babs would have been out there with just Bill and the young white chick.

  4. Awww shit....does that make me a racist...or just funny.

  5. Don't know will, but your comment exposes Rusty for the racist he really always has been.

  6. I don't know what's in your heart, Russ. I suspect that you're NOT a racist. But, still, maybe Taco Bell might have been a better choice than the stereotypical KFC - just to insulate yourself the charge, I'm saying......Rusty likes to push the envelope, anonymous. Here's to hoping that he doesn't do it with malice in heart/spirit.

  7. I could'nt care even a little bit what anonymouse says or thinks,his views are completely immaterial to me.

    Me a racist...nope,but I do believe you libs are way too tight assed.Your political correctness borders on stupidity,scratch that it is stupid.

    Would it have been worse if I'd said cold water melon in liew of KFC?Or, if I had said Taco Bell and there had been an hispanic on the panel? What if I'd said pot roast and mashed potato's....would that have been insulting to the white bread girl?

    Take a minute and think just how friggin silly you people sound.

  8. There wasn't an Hispanic, Russ. There was a fat black woman. Look, I'm as politically incorrect as the next guy, but ethnic stereotypes aren't exactly my thing. And I do think that I'm pretty consistent here. Remember how I defended the Tea Party folks when they were getting stereotyped by the left?.....Hey, maybe McDonald's. That seems to be a weakness across the ethnic/racial divide.

  9. Will.

    There are TWO kinds of moose limbs.

    Jihadi's and those biding their time until the first leaves us weak enough.

    O'Reilly stopped short.

    It's time that we as a country take our heads out of the sand before it's too late.

  10. Kurt Russell's Wyatt Earp gave us the clue:

    (paraphrasing here...)

    "Islam is finished, you understand? I see a qur'an, I kill the man holdin’ it!

    So run, you cur… RUN! Tell all the other curs the law’s comin’!

    You tell ‘em I’M coming… and hell’s coming with me, you hear?…
    Hell’s coming with me!"

  11. (thought you'd appreciate the movie

  12. What do you propose that we do with the 1 billion Muslims? Do we try and convert them all (including all of the ones that we just "liberated")? What if they don't want to convert? I guess that I'm not too sure as to your plan of action, Volt.

  13. Voltron's desire to kill all Muslims is no surprise, given the tea bagging racist nature of his blog. I've been there, read the racist posts, and conversed with the racist who calls himself "Freedom Fan".

    But even without Voltron's racist comments this still would be the absolute worst thread on this blog ever (that I've seen). Disgusting misogynist and bigoted comments -- NONE of which had anything to do with the topic. The hostesses' weight has nothing to do with what Bigot O'Reilly said.

    If you're going to bring on a guest like O'Reilly you've got to expect he'll say something offensive. For that reason I disagree with Whoopi and Joy's decision to walk out. I do not, however, think they were "flat-out wrong". Joy Behar said, "We speak about standing up to bigotry, so I stood up". Whoopi Goldberg added that she had "hit my saturation point".

    I think a lot of use have hit our saturation point when it comes to bigots inciting hatred. After reading the vile comments on this thread (several coming from the ower of the blog himself) -- I certainly thought about (metaphorically) standing up and walking out. You can argue with bigots but you won't ever convince them they're wrong -- which is why I haven't been back to the Voltron blog.

  14. My vile comments?....You take life way too seriously, dude.....And just for the record, Behar herself subsequently lied. On her show (I think that it was her show), she claimed that O'Reilly had said that "THE Muslims attacked us on 9/11". He didn't. He said "Muslims". Yes, it was still wrong. But the way that Behar said it (with the all-encompassing THE), she was trying to make it even worse than it was. VERY DISHONEST!!

  15. YOU implied the ground shook when Goldberg and Behar walked out. YES, I find ad hominem attacks on a person's weight to be vile.

    Behar lied? I doubt it. We all know what O'Reilly meant. You pointed it out in your own post! (when you said O'Reilly thinks we don't need to make a similar distinction now - i.e., the one that exists between Muslims as a whole and Muslim extremists).

    Now stating the fact that he meant "THE Muslims" is somehow "very dishonest"? I think you're flat-out wrong.

  16. Keith Olbermann makes vicious ad hominem attacks on people every frigging night. AND YOU SAY NOTHING. What, it's only an ad hominem attack when it's perpetrated by people who don't agree with you 100% of the time? And what about (your buddy) Ed Schultz, ON NATIONAL TELEVISION, calling the Governor of New Jersey a fat something or other? Did that bother you at all? Or, because the victim of the slur was a Republican, it was fully O.K.?......And, yes, there's a humongous difference (just ask any linguist and/or logician) between saying THE (as in all) Muslims and simply saying Muslims. One is all encompassing and the other is far more ambiguous. I agree, O'Reilly should have be much more clear to avoid this ambiguity. But, yes, so, too, should Behar (the biggest Obama jock-sniffer in the entire galaxy) have been more concise in her speak.

  17. Will said... Keith Olbermann makes vicious ad hominem attacks on people every frigging night. AND YOU SAY NOTHING.

    I watch KO every night and I don't know what the hell you're talking about. That's why "I SAY NOTHING".

    Will said... And what about (your buddy) Ed Schultz, ON NATIONAL TV, calling the Governor of New Jersey a fat something or other? Did that bother you at all?

    No, it didn't bother me at all. I don't watch Ed Schultz, and so never saw the name calling incident you refer to. I've only seen the last few minutes of his program -- and perhaps more than that -- on less than a handful of occasions. It isn't that I don't like Ed -- it's that he's on to early. If he did say it I think it was inappropriate.

    Anyway, a couple of times I did watch Ed he discussed football, which really turned me off. At least with Olbermann it's baseball, a sport I dislike less intensely.

    I don't know any linguists and/or logicians. It wouldn't make any difference if such a person told me that what O'Reilly meant with his use of the word "Muslims" was "SOME Muslims" and not "ALL Muslims". I wouldn't believe it. Whoopi and Joy knew what he meant, and so do I.

    This term of yours -- "jock-sniffer"... I find it highly offensive.


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