Thursday, October 14, 2010

Admission Denied!!

When Reggie Bush voluntarily gave back his 2005 Heisman Trophy, he was also quick to point out that this did not in any way signify an admission of guilt. Gee, what a surprise, huh?....................................................................................................Seriously, though, wouldn't it be awesomely refreshing if JUST ONE of these individuals - from the world of sports, from the world of politics, etc. - came clean/told us the entire truth? I mean, just in the current environment alone; Dick Blumenthal with Vietnam, Meg Whitman with illegal aliens, Lou Dobbs with illegal aliens, Roger Clemens with steroids, etc.. NONE of these frigging douche-bags have even given us a whiff of the straight stuff yet. I mean, certainly, it's a little more complicated with Clemens here - you know, now that the son of a bitch may have committed perjury and shit. But with the others it really ISN'T complicated. Just admit that you've majorly bungled and apologize. But TRULY apologize. None of this "to those who I may have offended" nonsense/attempting to mitigate the damage bullshit. To me, at least, that crap only tends to make these mamby-pambs even more unlikable.


  1. Holy shit!! Sharon Angle absolutly smoked Harry Reid 70 year old ass tonight.

    Whoever prepared her for this debate should get one hell of a bonus.Talk about a remake.

  2. I didn't see it, Russ. I'm sure, though, that I'll be getting a lot of spin from both sides very soon.

  3. .Talk about a remake.

    In other words

    SPIN ... SPIN ... SPIN


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