Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Interesting Quotes

"Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al qaeda - worse for society. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was."....Keith Olbermann, "Playboy" magazine (2007)............"Olbermann's become O'Reilly on the left - completely predictable, unfunny, and arrogant."....Michael Kazin, Georgetown University............"To my mind, what he (Olbermann) does is no different from Hannity and O'Reilly....At least Hannity and O'Reilly engage with the other side (if merely just to yell at them). Olbermann is just an echo chamber."....Michael Cohen, New America Foundation............"A man (Olbermann) of middling intelligence who imagines himself as Goethe."....Some anonymous blogger over at


  1. Olbermann a Hannity or O'Reilly on the left? Maybe... with about 1/100 of the audience.

    He does say outrageous stuff, kinda like a three-year-old saying "poo poo" just to get the attention of the adults.

    Fox News more dangerous that Al Qaeda? He can't be serious.

    All of it is about entertainment and advertising. I rarely watch any of it.

    Reading is much better for learning because you can stop and think.

  2. Fox News is way more dangerous than Al Qaeda. Fox News is convincing people to vote for plutocracy. It's destroying our democracy, something Al Qaeda could never accomplish.

    The quotes you give aren't at all "interesting", they are all wrong (except for the first one).

    A hundredth the audience? That's total bullshit Silverfiddle. I suppose the fact that they keep ADDING new programs (The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell being the latest) is testament to how poorly the network is doing.

    I think MSNBC is doing just fine. They never lost the kind of money Fox did getting established.


    Your inability do deal with the facts as presented explains your Obama worship.

  4. Welcome, SF. I'll be honest with you here. I actually kind of liked Olbermann at first. But when he ultimately became as biased and despicable as the people he was complaining about, that was pretty much about IT for me.......wd, comparing your political opposition to terrorists, Nazis, and the clan is flat-out bush-league, at best. It is my fervent hope that all parties refrain from it in the future.

  5. Silverfiddle, you lie. Your link does not show that Fox News has 100 times the viewers of MSNBC. Did you think all you needed to do was throw up a link and I'd say, "gee, he must be right... he did provide a link, after all". And then I wouldn't LOOK at your link?

    I think Silverfiddle's inability do deal with the facts explains his Austrian/Supply side worship.

    Fox News *IS* worse than Al Qaeda. I'm not comparing them, I'm saying one is worse than the other. Their goals are completely different.

    I also kind of liked Olbermann at first... now I REALLY like him. Countdown is the best political commentary/opinion program on television, hands down.

  6. Olbermann, and Maddow for that matter are the left wing versions of Fox propaganda machine. But ratings for propaganda are largely irrelevant since they are preaching to the choir.

    Yeah Fox has the ratings but I have seen the data and its overwhelmingly old fucks that have one foot in the grave already. A few in the republican party have seem to understand that and are slowly dropping the social conservative, biblethumping bullshit.

  7. Double b, have you seen the new CNN show, "Parker Spitzer"? It's actually pretty good (intellectual and measured, almost). But when I'm watching it, I almost always ask myself, "Gee, I wonder what Olbermann and O'Reilly up to?" And, yeah, you got it, I usually end up turning the channel, too. LOL

  8. This is unbelievable. We have one group of people who believe Fox lies, and another group who, while they don't buy the Fox lies -- they still can't see the truth.

    Olbermann and Maddow are the left wing versions of Fox propaganda machine?! Fox peddles lies. Olbermann and Maddow report the truth. That's a HUGE distinction.

  9. Oh, excuse me, FOX only has 5 times the viewership, my mistake. Every time Olbermann's mom goes to the bathroom during his show, viewership drops by half.

    Contra: You are an intellectually-honest person. As I said earlier, it's all about the advertising dollar, not educating us, and you see it as well.

  10. wd, the truth is a very elusive entity. I personally don't believe that Mr. Olbermann has a b-line on it any better than the rest of us do......SF, I definitely think that you're on to something here. Whether you're Beck, Olbermann, or Hannity, it's all about reaching a certain target audience, and (as double b has astutely pointed out) preaching to the choir as well.

  11. Will, I advise against letting Silverfiddle's praise go to your head. The guy obviously doesn't have a clue what he talking about.

    Girst he tosses out a ludicrous claim about Fox have a hundred times the viewers of MSNBC, and when caught in that lie suddenly Fox's viewership drops to 10 people?? I wouldn't call that "intellectually honest", I'd call it mathematically challenged.

    BTW Keith's mom is no longer with us... if you're going to lie about how many viewers a program has the least you can do is not embarrass yourself with an in-poor-taste reference to the host's deceased mother making up 50 percent of the viewership.

  12. wd, I don't believe that I've ever mentioned either Olbermann's ratings OR his mother. Perhaps you're referring to somebody else.


    Will, I advise against letting Silverfiddle's praise go to your head. Silverfiddle obviously has no clue what he's talking about.

    First Silverfiddle tosses out a ludicrous claim about Fox have a hundred times the viewers of MSNBC, and when caught in that lie suddenly Fox's viewership drops to 10 people?? I wouldn't call that "intellectually honest", I'd call it mathematically challenged.

    Silverfiddle, Keith's mom is no longer with us... if you're going to lie about how many viewers a program has the least you can do is not embarrass yourself with an in-poor-taste reference to the host's deceased mother making up 50 percent of the viewership.

  14. Dervish is one of those guys who grabs a chair and walks out the door when you invite him to take a seat...

  15. wd, I think (and perhaps I shouldn't be speaking for Silverfiddle) that the 100:1 figure was probably meant for humor, and not to be taken literally......As far as Mr. Olbermann's mother goes, maybe he didn't know that she was dead.

  16. Thanks for the assist, Will, but it's an exercise in futility.

    The intellectually-bereft grasp at such straws because it's all they have left.

  17. Will, my comment about Silverfiddle saying Fox has only ten viewers (which would be 5 times the 2 he said MSNBC has) wasn't to be taken literally. My literal interpretation of Silverfiddle's exaggerations were intended to be humorous.

    I knew damn well Silverfiddle was engaging in hyperbole. I just didn't find it in the least bit funny. Fox's ratings are higher. So the hell what??

    Exaggerating the ratings disparity for "humorous" effect is, IMO, clearly a case of the intellectually-bereft Right grasping at straws to explain the FACT that MSNBC is profitable -- and their audience is GROWING.

    Silverfiddle's claim that KO says "outrageous stuff, kinda like a three-year-old saying 'poo poo' just to get the attention of the adults" is another example of this.

    One of MSBBC's slogans is "America's Fastest Growing News Channel", and they are absolutely correct in making this claim. Obviously this worries some on the Right, which is why they continue to belittle MSNBC's ratings. Clearly it is Righties like Silverfiddle who are grasping at straws.

  18. Just for the record, wd, I've always thought that Mr. O'Reilly's posturing about his ratings was bush-league. It's simply not an important aspect of the business to me.


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