Friday, October 8, 2010

Miscellaneous 29

1) It appears that one of Jerry Brown's associates recently referred to Mr. Brown's challenger, Meg Whitman, as a whore. Sounds like a "Worst Person" nominee to me. ALTHOUGH, we will just have to wait and see here, now won't we?......2) People like Ralph Reed are always quick to point out that tax revenues doubled during the 1980s (i.e., the Reagan years) - a point that, yes, is in fact true. But, what Mr. Reed fails to tell us is that a) tax revenues have basically doubled during every decade (the 1930s obviously excepted), b) Reagan, in addition to cutting taxes, also engaged in a lot of deficit spending, and c) Mr. Reagan eventually RAISED taxes on folks. For him, Reed, to so categorically state (as Mr.s O'Reilly, Hannity, and other also have) a causal link between tax cuts and revenue enrichment is flat-out pseudoscience (not that it necessarily doesn't exist, mind you, but that it cannot be proven scientifically).


  1. Don't hold your breath. I like crazy Jerry, both personal and political, but Meg maybe the one person who can pull California out of its predicament.

  2. I actually voted for Jerry in the 1980 CT primary (over Carter and Kennedy). And, yeah, I'd probably vote for him over this empty-suit, too. My beef on this story is potentially more with Olbermann. Hopefully, double b, he'll surprise me and condemn this particular aid. Though, yeah, like you say, I ain't exactly holding my breath.

  3. Will,is it Meg Whitman you're calling an empty suit? She built E-Bay for christ sake.I'm guessing its Gov.Moonbeam thats the empty suit...ins'nt it.

  4. Alright, maybe that was a little harsh. But you gotta remember, Russ, business and politics aren't necessarily identical. She's not, for example, going to be able to fire people in the legislature when they disappoint her......As for Mr. Brown, yeah, he's a little eccentric. But he also goes outside of the box. He actually had Art Laffer as an adviser (in '92). I mean, that kind of impresses you, no?

  5. 1992 was 18 years ago,times have changed.

    Look how good a bunch of academics have done handling the economy for Obie.I'll take a successful business person all the time.Remember...the A students teach....the C students do.

  6. What type of student was Soros, Russ? You gotta remember here, he's a great "businessman", too.....Or so I'm always told. LOL

  7. Obie and the country would be better off if he'd put Soros in charge of his economic team.You know Soros would have figured out a way to make money.Or put Jack Welch in there.

  8. Just put someone in there who knows how to put people to work.These friggin guys he has now sure dont.

  9. I'd take him over the bunch they have now,but thats a step back for Bloomberg,maybe a couple steps back.


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