Friday, September 24, 2010

What Do You Say We "Pay" For Everything?

I really liked it when David Gregory pressed Mitch McConnell on the tax-cut issue (the Republican proposal for an extension of the Bush tax-cuts for people making over $250,000 a year); the fact that the Republicans haven't stated how in fact they intend to pay for the $700,000,000,000 shortfall in revenue. BUT, you know what else that I wish that these interviewers would ask? I wish that they would ask ALL of these politicians (Republicans AND Democrats), "So, how in the hell do you intend to 'pay for' the $3,700,000,000,000 (don't you just love all of these zeros - NOT?) shortfall that a total extension of the Bush tax-cuts would cost us/the Treasury?" I mean, come on here, folks, isn't that in fact where the real money is (and, no, apart from Fareed Zakaria, I haven't heard a whole lot of people talking about the issue)?


  1. While liberal all the shits need to be sent home permanently with a law preventing dynastic political families. I'm talking Kennedys and Bushs and anyone else.

    Second I would make all elected officials wear circus clown clothes complete with red nose, so we could keep them identified.

  2. Specter and Bachmann I could definitely see in such garb.

  3. I would say all but three pols should be wearing clown suits. And ill-fitting clown suits since they'd insist it be at taxpayer's expense.


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