Friday, September 24, 2010

Racial Politics, With an Accent

According to California Congresswoman, Loretta Sanchez (translated from Spanish), "The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, trying to take this (i.e., her) seat.".....Hm. Wow, huh? Talk about her throwing out some red-meat here. Today's "Worst Person in the World"? Maybe? I don't know, I guess that we'll just have to wait and see....NOT!!


  1. Now Will,would you lump Ms.Sanchez in with Angel and O'Donnell? Perhaps with Bachman...Palin?

  2. I can see it happening.Americans (with the exception of Gulf Coast shrimpers and California during the Gold Rush)love Asian immigrants, particularly those from communist countries. Polar opposite of the way they feel about Mexicans. How often do we see illegal Asians rounded up?

    She must be from Garden Grove or Westminster. Lot of Vietnamese there, older generation tends to vote Republican.

    Mexicans moving into Orange County, compete with younger Vietnamese for available jobs. Hispanics tend to vote Democratic.

    I would say she's probably right.

    Smart woman,too. Polar opposite of the three dingbats.

  3. Rusty, Oso, I just don't care for it when ANYBODY addresses the citizenry in such collective and stereotypical terms. And, no, I'm pretty sure that Martin Luther King wouldn't have liked it, either.....I mean, Oso, if she had just left it at "Republicans....", it would have been totally fine. But to have also thrown in the racial thing was unfortunate, IMO.


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