Thursday, August 5, 2010

A World Full of Pablum

To all of those people who constantly say that Lady Gaga and Madonna have creativity, I have one very polite word for you - bullshit!! That's (i.e., the idiotic co-mingling of glamor, fashion, and piss-poor music) not creativity. Picasso. Mussorgsky. Kubrick. Welles. Beckett. McCullers. McIntyre (Samuel, the architect). THAT is creativity. It's a pretty humongous difference, folks. And, yeah, it would in fact be nice if our flat-lined society would at least occasionally acknowledge it.


  1. I agree, I watched several of Gaga's videos and was puzzled. One of two of her songs MAYBE second rate pop music but she is over my head.

  2. Ordinarily I would agree with you, but I have also devolved with the rest of them. I have gotten so sick that I like watching Britney drunk on stage...

    I'm a gonner...

  3. Will,
    gonna let it slide this time, but I happen to be engaged to marry Lady Gaga. Once we get thru the formality of her discovering my existence and as she gets over the horror I look forward to many years of wedded bliss.

  4. Oso,I'm just guessing here but we are all geeting an invite to the gala......are'nt we?

  5. Sorry guys. I guess I was in a bad frame of mind when I wrote this one. They're definitely not bad looking chicks at all; Gaga, Britney, Lindsay, etc..

  6. Rusty I'll be sending a limo for you and Will!

  7. I loved Madonna until she butchered her remake of Don McClain's American Pie.

    And their success shows that in America, if a woman pretends to dig sex and we think she'll show us her naughty bits, she can be famous and make lots of money.

    God bless America!


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