Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Disturbing Trend Uncovered

According to a recent poll, 41% of Republicans still think that President Obama isn't an American. THAT, FOLKS, is troubling (utterly astounding, too). I mean, we are, aren't we, talking pretty close to half of 'em here? Rank and file Republicans, too (this, as opposed to the poll strictly being one of the radical right).................................................................................................And, please, folks, you gotta believe me here. This is coming from a person (i.e., me) who isn't intrinsically anti-Republican. I voted for Jody Rell. I voted for Lowell Weicker. I voted for Bush 1. I've voted Republican several times in mayoral elections. My goal has NEVER been to denigrate any group or party (I've even defended, on occasion, the Tea Party). But this, THIS, is a real (black) eye-opener................................................................................................And, yes, me-buckos, I would totally advocate that the saner Republicans/Republican leadership address this situation - NOW! Not just for the good of their party but for the good of the country, too.


  1. I have no comment here, trust me I completely understand democrats can be just as stupid but this has its own category.

  2. You probably misread that Will...

    It's not that we think he's not an American, we think he's "Anti-American".

  3. Hey Will.....its only Chris Matthews and MSNBC that push this "birther" B.S..Name any main stream republican who's questioned Obama's birth.

    What we do question are his programs.He's living proof that being a 4.0 student at Harvard does'nt translate to running a country.

    Americans are now realizing they need a president that's actually accomplished something.Giving speeches does'nt reduce unemployment nor does it win a war.

    Along time ago a wise old guy told me..."you can throw the shit against the wall....but you gotta make it stick."

  4. I don't know if he's any more anti-American than Bush was, Volt......Rusty, is Rush a mainstream Republican? I've heard him use this birther thing as an issue.


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