Saturday, August 21, 2010

To Mr.s Hannity, O'Reilly, Gingrich, (Mrs.) Palin, etc.

People, PLEASE, listen to me here. We are not, I repeat, NOT, at war with Islam. We are at war with Al Qaeda and various other radical elements. To say that we are at war with Islam over 9/11 (which, granted, you haven't uttered outright, but your words and actions of late have clearly implied it) is like saying that we should have been at war with Christianity because the KKK were often inspired by their perverted sense of Christian morality. It doesn't make any sense.........................................................................................And even if this imam behind the the mosque project IS a radical, what, pray tell, could he accomplish? You don't think that the FBI is going to be monitoring this guy. And in terms of the dude supposedly wanting to spread Sharia Law throughout the country, come on, let's get real here. First of all, there is more than one type of Sharia Law. Do we know for sure that this guy represents the nastier, more bellicose version of it? And second of all, for him to be able to accomplish this feat, he's literally going to have to get thousands of people elected to local, state, and federal office. The odds of that frigging happening are nil. I mean, sure, I suppose that he could try and summon Burt Lancaster's character from "Seven Days in May" and attempt some sort of military coup but, I don't know, that doesn't necessarily sound all that realistic, either...........................................................................................And, really, isn't it important that we try and stand for a loftier principle here? I think that the families of the victims will understand . We just have to explain it to them - you know, instead of using scare tactics/getting them all riled up and shit.


  1. What do you propose Fox news do with the 23 hours and 59 minutes of freed up broadcast time if they stop instead of using scare tactics/getting them all riled up and shit. ?????

  2. I'd start off by giving Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace additional air-time. And then go from there.


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