Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guatemala Antigua (With Apologies to Brazilian Bourbon Santos)

What would be Will "take no prisoners" Hart's answer to the question, "Dude, what's your favorite coffee?"


  1. I thought it would be " a cup somebody else paid for".

    Mine would be "whatever's on sale at Trader Joes".

  2. I don't care. Personally I hate coffee. Even the smell make me nauseous.

  3. coffee???????

    You mean, bugshit on a bean don't you? (At least that is what it tastes like) LOL

  4. Oso, I used to know this dude. He had this speech impediment. Every time he spoke, he stuttered/stammered. EXCEPT when he said, "I left my wallet home." THAT, Oso, he could always get out - no problem!.....w-d/anonymous, I've spent my entire adult life bouncing back and forth from tea to coffee. I just happen to be in a coffee phase right now. Talk to me in a couple months and, yeah, I'll probably be back to the darjeeling, assam, and gunpowder.

  5. Not "Waffle House 4 A.M. with a dirty fingernail trying to get sober enough to drive home without wrecking your car because you have the babysitter with you, still, 8 hours after you left to take her home?" That's MY favorite coffee...

  6. I use to not care about what coffee I drank, hell I drank that brown crap they stuffed in army MRE's for years. That is until my wife bought Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica, that stuff is from the gods.

  7. I've never had the Jamaican, double b. Isn't that the stuff that costs about $60 a pound? Oh Hell, maybe I'll treat myself......Jack, it sounds like you were drinking with a purpose there, my brother. I like that!


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