Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take a "Break", Guys

Guys like Rush and Hannity are currently making this humongous stink over Mrs. Obama's vacationing in Spain. And, while, yes, folks, I DO understand that maybe the optics aren't quite optimal here, I ask you, can we at least have a modicum of perspective. It is, after all, only a frigging vacation......I mean, seriously, it's not like she frigging went off and shot a bunch of people. But, more importantly, it's not like she's exactly the first extravagant first lady. Can you (for instance) say Nancy Reagan, Jacqueline Kennedy, etc.? Hell, folks, even Laura Bush (who've I've consistently been on record as saying was a first-rate first-lady) - she went on a God-damned frigging safari, for Christ!................................................................................................I don't know, people. If you ask me, this is all just a different damned excuse for these guys to take another massive beemer on the Obamas. And it's really starting to get stale, gratuitous, etc.. To quote the venerable Mrs. Hillary Clinton said, "If the President walked on water, they'd criticize him for not being able to swim."


  1. Being that I have criticized Obama repeatedly for such details like running away from the Gulf so Paul McCarthy could sing to Michelle and the girls I feel this vacation was ill timed.

    Have other first ladies done worse? Yes, but not during a Recession. I do not believe anyone living in the White House has a personal life, they are at best public employees with the pomp, privileges, and circumstance nice side benefits but to be used sparingly.

  2. So the linebacker with an overbite went to Spain.

    Can you say "Michele Antoinette"?

  3. Does it really matter though?

    Her husbands fiddling while our country burns...

  4. Did anyone notice that when Obama went to Texas the other day not one dem was there to welcome him when he got off Air Force One....just Rick Perry....a republican.

    Molly Ivens must be rolling in her grave.

  5. I cant believe someone in the WH did'nt think it would look bad if the first lady spent 350 grand on a vacation to Spain while 14 million americans are out of work.

    Oh hell....its Bush's fault anyway.

  6. Reagan insider: 'GOP destroyed U.S. economy'

    Commentary: How: Gold. Tax cuts. Debts. Wars. Fat Cats. Class gap. No fiscal discipline

  7. According to a new WSJ poll, “Just 24% express positive feelings about the Republican Party.” That number is the lowest on record in the 21-year history of the survey. “Democrats are only slightly more popular, but also near an all-time low.”

    So all the tea bagging wing nuttery hasn't really paid off has it?

    PS; the Wall Street Journal, owned by the same guy who owns Fox News ain't no panty waste pinko media outfit ......


  8. Go back to Kays little supply officer.

  9. A bit telling that Col.Klink makes no mention that Obies approval ratings have fallen into the low 40's.

    Damn it took Bush 7 years to get that low.

  10. Funny you claim it is some bloggers ramblings instead of the truth, that it is David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget who wrote the piece I linked to.

    Seems you do not like facts or the truth very much do you?

    So you attack a blogger to try to hide the truth that a main member of Reagan's revolution is speaking a truth you do not like.

    The GOP destroyed the economy, his words.

    Keep making the truth and facts a personal attack with your distortions and lies, since it is what the right has done for years.

    Doesn't work but you in your delusions think it does.

  11. Klink,no one here cares about the useless junk you dig up while sucking off the public teat.

    Slither back to those other four goofballs that post at Kay's.They admire your idiotic grasp of useless information.

    The folks here just think you're a sad,sorry case.

  12. Still nothing about the FACT that David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget says, 'GOP destroyed U.S. economy' ... ?

    Why not, cause you have no slanderous dishonest attacks to sling about him?

    Can't refute the facts he writes about?

    So as usual you try the tired old right wing shut up and go away because the facts can't be refuted?

    Sorry but facts are what counts here, not your dishonest personal attacks or lies.


    'GOP destroyed U.S. economy'

  13. Hi gentlemen. I guess it's not so much the fact that Obama gets criticized that bothers me (Hell, I criticize him a lot myself). It's more the hyperbole and the incessant nature of it. Like with Mr. Hannity, he goes on and on and on and on. The other day it got so bad that Dana Perino had to come to the first lady's defense.


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