Tuesday, August 10, 2010

He Who Blurs in Glass-Houses.....

According to Ed Schultz, the (thin) line that had once separated right-wing radio/Fox News and the Republican party is basically gone. His latest evidence (and, yes, folks, he does in fact make a pretty good case) is that when Sean Hannity recently took the night off, Liz Cheney substituted for him....and, ditto, when Mr. Limbaugh took a vacation, the "architect", Karl Rove, substituted for him................................................................................................................Of course, what Mr. Schultz did not include in his analysis was the fact that when his stable-mate, Rachel Maddow, decided to take a break, a fellow by the name of Howard Dean substituted for her. Hm, could it possibly be that the line that had once separated MSNBC (Schultz's and Maddow's current nesting place) and the Democratic party.....


  1. Minor difference, none of the 2008 presidential candidates are PAID employees of MSNBC, but at least three of the 2012 hopefuls(Huckster, palin and Newt) are paid by Fox as consultants. Plus Rove is paid by Fox when he isn't flailing about in the Drugsters seat.

    Howard Dean isn't running for anything ...

    Nice try at equating the two but not close at all.

  2. Yes but who do the dems work for after politics?

    Chris Matthews used to work for Tip O'Neil, George Snuffleupegus for the Clintoons, Linda Douglas took a leave of absence to work on the Obama campaign, and the list goes on and on and on...

    Also, with the exception of FOX and talk radio the libs RUN the rest of the old guard media.

    Shep Smith is probably the fairest reporter out there, although during times of crisis his liberal leanings come out.
    (thinking of Katrina here)

  3. I take it Cliffy you're staying in the closet until prop 8 is finally decided?

  4. Nice to see Voltron is continuing the attack a blogger meme.


    Who really care about average American and the middle class, and who is in it to hand lots more money to the very rich;

    check here

    nuff said

  5. I'm not totally sure that this is Clif, Volt. He doesn't sound quite depraved enough to me......As to "equating the 2", at MSNBC in primetime, you have Schultz, Matthews, Olbermann (one of the worst of the worst, in my opinion), Maddow, and soon to be Lawrence O'Donnell. That, Mr. Anonymous, is every bit as partisan and nasty as Fox (though, yes, I'll grant you that MSNBC during the day is still pretty decent).

  6. For christ sake Klink,give it up....no one cares what you think.

    You cant continue to carry the MSNBC banner....first you're one of the three people who watch....second,they are far more partisan then Fox would ever dream of being....third,they are just too damn angry,my goodness between fat Ed,crazy KO and the carpet muncher they puke nothing but hate and anger....goodness,kind of like you Klink,well I guess that explains your attraction.

  7. Still trying to tell people to STFU when the facts they post conflict with your delusional twisted right wing world view eh Mr Shackleton?

    Nice to see you actually defend the ideals Voltaire and the US Constitution when it conflicts with the way you want the world to be.

    Way to go ....


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