Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One of the Nastiest Pile-Ons Ever

Fox News owes Shirley Sherrod (the Agriculture Department official who was fired because of an edited tape) an apology. Andrew Breitbart (especially Andrew Breitbart) owes Shirley Sherrod an apology. (Agriculture) Secretary Vilsack owes Shirley Sherrod an apology. And, yes, folks, the NAACP owes her a big apology, too. They all, all of 'em, jumped to the wrong conclusion (Breitbart in fact may have willingly engaged in a dishonest act here - we'll have to, I guess, simply wait and see) here. And, yes, YES, it's absolutely sickening - real, real, sickening.........................................................................................................Oh, and just for the record, for those of you who don't think that Fox employs anybody of integrity, I ask of you here, go to that network's web-site and access Sheperd Smith's impassioned defense of Mrs. Sherrod. It might in fact cause you to reassess a bit (he was also exceedingly critical of Mr. Breitbart's web-site, I'd also like to commend the elderly white couple who were ultimately helped by Mrs. Sherrod (24 years ago). Their testimony, in addition to its being inspiring, has certainly helped in clarifying things..............................................................................................................P.S. #2 I also want to say that I'm very disappointed in Mr. O'Reilly. He clearly had a chance to correct the record last night (this, in that the full tape was by then available) but didn't. He instead used the time to once again blast his competition....for THEIR malfeasance. No damn good.


  1. Kudos to Sheppard smith for being a journalist first and Fox News story hyper last.

    So far Vilsack, Gibbs (Obama's spokesperson) have publicly apologized in front of the press, and Vilsack has called Ms Sherrod as did the President of the NAACP

    Breitbart, and the Fox Noise Hounds who hype this kind of bovine feces not so much.

  2. Will, all the Fox people I watch either defended her or said wait until we see the context.

    Beck did. Hannity did.

    And all you who want to pile on FOX, what do you think of the journo list emails, where all the mainstream reporters conspired to keep the Rev. Wright controversy off the airwaves?

  3. ...and O'Reilly just apologized.

  4. Carefull Will, I think this is far from over.Anything Shirley has ever said is now fair game.Obama and the NAACP now own her along with her past.

    I'd be willing to bet she never takes her job back...old Shirley is going to have a hell of a law suit...again in her case.

  5. Volt,I dont know how you can watch Hannity.Talk about a one trick pony.

  6. Volt, I just heard of the "Journolist" tonight. It didn't bother me that the opinion people were a part of it but, yes, the fact that there were also some beat reporters involved, that is totally disgusting. The bottom-line, bro, I don't much like liberal bias, either. I mean, you know how I feel about Olbermann, right? LOL

  7. I swear Rusty his hypocrisy is getting to me.

    He claims he really likes Sarah Palin and then turns around and repeatedly has either Nicolle Wallace or Steve Schmidt on his show.
    (the two McCain campaign insiders who spread salacious gossip about Sarah to the press during the election)

    And then I'm in the truck quite often with nothing to listen to but his show and he keeps airing GM commercials AFTER he knocks them for taking the bailout.

    I'm as much a capitalist as anyone and I wouldn't think a thing of it if they were just pre-fabbed spots, but HE DOES THE VOICE OVER HIMSELF!!!!

  8. Oh and Will, evidently Breitbart was set up.

    Someone sent him the edited clip. He probably should have done a little more research though before running with it.

  9. The stench of today's pathos is just too steep for me to comment without puking (again).

  10. Sheppard Smith has integrity.


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