Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Little Straight Talk on the New Black Panther Party/Alleged Justice Department Cover-Up

1) The mainstream media was wrong in NOT covering it. 2) The Fox News channel was right IN covering it. 3) The Fox News channel was wrong in OVER covering it. There, you see how easy it is when we put our partisanship aside....................................................................................................Seriously, though, here are some of what I consider to be the critical facts; 1) The New Black Panther party is an extremely small (and, yes, dare I say it, buffoonish) organization. 2) The incident in question took place in a precinct that is nearly entirely African-American. 3) It is unclear at this point whether or not any voters were turned away because of the incident. 4) Former Justice Department lawyer, J. Christian Adams, has alleged that, under Mr. Obama/current Attorney General Eric Holder, the department was instructed to NOT bring charges against black defendants if the victims of these people were white. 5) Mr. Adams is a Bush appointee. 6) The original decision not to prosecute (criminally, not civilly) was made during President Bush's time in office. 7) Fox and MSNBC are both making total fools of themselves over this episode......Oh, wait a minute, that's an opinion. Never mind!!


  1. You're missing the point Will.The question is...did Steadman fail to investigate after a wistle (a conservative)blower came foward.

  2. Where the hell did Olberman go? An unannounced two week vacation and his producer left.All this after Tucker Carlson screwed with him.Interesting.

  3. And to top it off.....Lindsay Lohan went to jail....that poor girl gets locked up while Bush and Cheney are still running free.Go figure.

  4. Wont it be wonderful that after election day we wont have to listen to Nancy Pelosi anymore.

  5. Will, I'd also read the voter intimidation statute is intended for large-area or group intimidation.

    Statewide mailings or "caging" where mail needing a response is sent out (by an opposing party) and if undeliverable used to strike people from voter rolls.

    So involving the DoJ in a single incident may be analogous to the CDC being involved in an isolated food poisoning.

    There have been other single incident cases which weren't prosecuted either, apparently for the same reason-unwilling to deploy the resources for what one might consider small fry.

    I agree those guys are buffoons, you could just as easily find a group of White bikers or a vaguely politicized Hispanic gang like MS who could spout ignorant hate speech, neither of which would speak for anyone other than their own stupid selves.

  6. Rusty, LOL about Lohan. And I join you in wishing a speedy disappearance from the political scene to Pelosi.

  7. No, I hear you, Russ (welcome back, btw). That's the biggie, whether there's a cover-up or not. And, please, believe me, if there is in fact a cover-up, I'll be just as pissed off as you.......Oso, Your point is well-taken, too. And like I said it the blurb, it was the BUSH Justice Department that initially failed to bring the criminal charges.

  8. Yes Will,the Bush DOJ did indeed drop the case,but again that was prior to the wistle blower coming foward.Not that I have any love for wistle blowers.


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